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(Advanced) Question Involving Skin Partitions, BSDismemberSkinInstances, and Materials.


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Hello, I've a complex situation here... (Slightly involves Blender)


I'm creating a new helmet, but I can't seem to get the Skin Partitions working and the helmet to appear when worn.


In Blender it's one mesh and skeleton, but four Materials with different textures. I've converted it correctly in NIFSkope (Well, if it were a 'normal' piece of armor then it'd be all ready to go). Although, in NIFskope each NiTriShape (Material) has a BSDismemberSkinInstance with the same Partition set: SBP_131_HAIR, which I want the armor to appear as with the player's head but no hair (Like the Steel helmet that shows the player's face).


In the CK I have the helmet's 'Biped Objects' set the same as the Steel helmet that shows the player's face; 'Hair' and 'Circlet' are ticked in the base Armor menu and just 'Hair' in its Armor addon.


But here's the thing: since there multiple BSDismemberSkinInstances using the same Skin Partition (SBP_131_HAIR), is that causing my helmet's invisibility problem? Is something else causing an error? How can I go about fixing this?



One more thing, the original object in Blender was comprised of multiple meshes with one Material and texture each, instead of one mesh with multiple Materials with one texture each that it's at now. Will this maybe fix it?




TL;DR? Does Skyrim not allow multiple Materials in a Mesh? Will that cause armors to be invisible?



I can provide all the pictures that are needed if needed.

Edited by Kyle8497
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From my experience with this, provided each of your nitrishapes has its skin instance set up correctly and matching with the creation kit, it should work. Invisibility does seem to be entirely down to the skin instance. Having multiple meshes using the same skin instance doesn't seem to be a problem as well.


However, things I would check/change in the nif:

try using 130 for the body part instead of 131.

In your BSlightingshaderproperty, check whether shader flags 1 has sf_skinned ticked.


Screenshots of say your nif structure showing skin instance, lightingshaderproperty etc as well as anything from Blender ( export settings etc ) would help - I can't help much with Blender as I'm a Max user.

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Here's a gallery of everything: http://imgur.com/a/EJmaI#0


In regards to your suggestions, I tried using 130 instead of 131 and no results, I even tried the other skin partition for hair which is 31 and that didn't work. I also tried 30 for Head, as well. Sf_skinned is checked for all 4 NiTriShapes in their BSLightingShaderProperties.


I'm just going to stick with using 31 for now, I need it to keep the player's head visible.



Keep in mind that just two days ago I created a separate helmet of something else in which I used SBP_31_HAIR with the same Blender export options and it works perfectly.

Edited by Kyle8497
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It doesn't look like there is anything wrong with the nifs, so maybe there is a limit on how many separate rigged trishapes you can have. How many trishapes did you have in your other helmet? If it is less, then try having the same number for yours and re-export.

Edited by The SH0CKER
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The thing is, I need all the NiTriShapes. Each has a material that is mapped to each part of the helmet and manually mapping everything into one texture would take an eternity.



EDIT: So I should remove some of the BSDismemberSkinInstances and leave just one?

Edited by Kyle8497
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