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Changing a companion's stats


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I've just changed a CM companion's class and stats using TES4Edit. No problems, there, except that though his class came out okay, his stats in the game aren't reflecting the stats I gave him. So, I altered a Mage into a Warrior, but left his Restoration at 30, so that he could heal himself if he'd learned the appropriate spells. But when I go into the game, his Restoration is 5. His Intelligence and Wisdom are both 35. Any idea what's going on?
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I didn't know you could do all that with TES4Edit. Wow! But apparently it isn't all working. Maybe you should try using TES Construction Set. It is very powerful and good at making changes like you describe.
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I didn't know you could do all that with TES4Edit. Wow! But apparently it isn't all working. Maybe you should try using TES Construction Set. It is very powerful and good at making changes like you describe.


It's what comes of my being ignorant on so much of this, David--I don't know what I can and cannot get away with. :wink: I just tried the CS about an hour ago, and got an interesting result: when I attempted to change the level of any skill, it immediately reverted to what it had been before I started after I hit spacebar or enter. Nothing would seem to permit this. Apparently, selecting a class for the CM companion locks in the skills--but I know that can't be absolutely the case, because Sultericdrums' companions have personalized skills. Though he may have made customized classes for them, too.


EDIT: I just checked Stoker Wolff in TES4Edit, and sure enough, he's got a customized race, and a customized class ("Drow Melee"). Too bad I can't change those values with base classes, though, in the CS. Emma's Vilja, as well. I suppose I could create a new race for the CM companions, but since they're already running off a new race mod, that might cause some problems.

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