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Another mod question


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Hi again,

Another question...I can get something in the perfect size and position but then I have to duplicate that same item and put it in or near the same spot. Is there a way of simplifying

the task of putting multi items in a certain place, even if they're not all the same object? So I don't have to keep trying to get the position exactly right. Let's say, books. If I got one in the right position to put on a shelf, it's on the right height, it's the right angle and everything. But then I want to put another book in the same shelf right next to it. Is there a duplicate last item I can hit so I can just shimmy the new book over a little and place it right next to the other book I just put in the shelf?

Also, is there a way to put a plant or something right next to it without having to refind the right positioning for it to go on the shelf?

Thanks again.


Also, can I click on something and have it automatically pop up so I don't have to look for it again in the objects window. If you've ever played the Sims, they call it the eyedropper tool. Does Tes Construction have anything like that?

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Never mind, I found it. For anyone else who needs to know... http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/A_beginner%27s_guide%2C_lesson_1_-_The_Construction_Set_Primer#New_Object ...it explains the duplication process as follows:



4. Duplicating Objects in Place

The last technique is to use the CTRL + D function. This makes a duplicate of an object in exactly the same position. It’s brilliant for stacking and repeat tasking. Select one of the plates on the bar and then press CTRL + D. The object may change appearance. This is a side effect of the doubling. Now select and drag one of these plates across the bar, and you will see the new plate appear. It will maintain its z-axis position from the plate you duplicated. Position it so it does not collide with any other objects. We now have 4 plates on the bar. Practice if you like dropping other objects using the F key and the CTRL + D to duplicate them.



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