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This isn't really a mod request since I know it isn't feasible with the engine- it's more like a 'Wouldn't it be cool if' thread. And something I've thought of while playing Skyrim is a Sniper Elite-esque internal killcam.


For those who don't know, the Sniper Elite games have a killshot system that tracks the bullet's flight, then shows the internal damage that the bullet causes. It displays bones breaking, organs being punctured, brains flying, etc. It's gory and gruesome and awesome for letting you see the damage your shots cause. I think that sort of system would be perfect for Skyrim and any subsequent TES game with archery.


The idea popped into my head as I was hunting wolves as a low-level character. I began to visualize in my head what my arrows were doing- headshots obviously split the skull and puncture the brain, but what about limb shots that kill? It became a roleplaying experience as I approached the corpse and examined the wound I inflicted. That leg shot must have broken a bone and sliced a crucial artery, stunning the wolf until it bled out. The shot through its torso severed its spine, or pierced its heart.


Seeing those internal killmoves, with the arrow moving through the vital organs of your enemies, would be an awesome touch of cinema in my opinion. It should be toggleable, of course, for those who don't want as much gore in their games. For me, though, I think it would make those 'perfect shots' that take down a difficult enemy in one hit much more visceral and rewarding. Seeing a troll skull split in two from a well-placed arrow would be a masterpiece.

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I think something like this would be next to impossible to implement.


Skyrim's (primitive) engine can be molded to work with many things, but I doubt it includes this.


Cool idea though.

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Like I said, I doubt it's possible. TES VI could have a feature like this though, who knows. If enough people play Sniper Elite, the internal killshot may become a trend.

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I can see this kind of feature being extremely annoying to those who value immersion in their playthroughs.


If Bethesda ever makes a feature like this, it would have to be optional.

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Like I said, I doubt it's possible. TES VI could have a feature like this though, who knows. If enough people play Sniper Elite, the internal killshot may become a trend.


Pfft, Mortal Kombat was showing us shattered bone and rupturing organs before it was cool. *game-hipster shades*


I can see this kind of feature being extremely annoying to those who value immersion in their playthroughs.


If Bethesda ever makes a feature like this, it would have to be optional.

Anyway, this is also where I stand. For me, and many others, TES isn't about cool effects, big-boobed floozies, Asian schoolgirl outfits and a wide assortment of fantasy 'weapons'. It's about immersion in the world. Even the Killcams, as they are, hurt that from time to time when they forcibly pull me from first person for some silly finisher.


I'd be indifferent if they didn't even appear in TES-VI, but if they do, regardless of how, they had damn well better be deactivateable this time.

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If Bethesda will stop exploiting old and beaten Gamebryo we actually might have better visuals and more stable game as a result. I don't like their version of Fallout (3/NV), and I don't plan to buy or play Fallout 4, but I'm very curious about it's engine, that will be new TES game engine as well.



You can try to disable VATS in .ini file or try out Advanced Kill Moves mod, there you can disable 3rd person cam along with VATS completely. I can't speak for everyone, but decapitations or choppy killmoves are pretty awesome looking features, it was rather good addition to the game if configured right.

Edited by Signette
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I agree. It's time for Bethesda to ditch the Gamebryo engine.


I'm not entirely sure why certain devs have a love affair with it (looking at you, Trion Worlds :P). It's an ancient engine. An ancient and still unstable engine.


Would be crazy if Bethesda licensed Cryengine 2 for TES6. One can only fantasize about such things.

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