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FCOM driving me crazy - draw distance and controls


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Hi there everyone.

This is probably my last attempt to play Oblivion with Fcom superpack so I would be very glad if anyone would notice my desperation. First of all - I was playing Oscuros overhaul few years back and it was fantastic. Everything went great, drawing distance, gameplay etc. I was using qtp pack as well. But this time, i wanted something more hardcore and it seemed to me like Fcom is perfect for this.
But after coming out from the first dungeon, these are basicly the the things that nearly made me crazy:


1. There seems to be no possible way to change anything about grass popping out like few meters away from me, as well as drawing distance of - everything. When i am walking, i can see far away, but land changes every few meters - even with creatures appearing. I was trying to change this in ini file, but it seems that anything i change in oblivion ini simply doesnt count - in my oblivion game folder or in my documents folder. Is there something i am missing? I even reinstalled everything, installed qtp 3 redimized pack first, then went for fcom latest version and - still no change. textures are great, but - drawing distance / grass distance is awkward.


2. Controls seems to be broken. When i strafe left/right my character regularly freezes or keeps running in one direction even after i stop holding the keys. Or when i am walking and simply looking around with mouse - character frequently stops. note - i tried turning "joystick off". nothing worked.


3. basicly its driving me crazy, because after i installed qtp 3 pack, it seems like even more things was broken - when shooting from bow, i cannot see like the half of a hand of a character.,,


I dont really know what to do. Should i just give up and go with oscuros overhaul?

by the way - is there a way how to COMPLETELY remove / uninstall fcom superpack from computer? i didnt find such an option.


thank you.

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