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Editing your characters face


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Is there a mod where I can somehow change my character's face? I'm several hours into the game and there is just something not right with my character's face and it's really bothering me. Is there a way to fix this or am I just stuck with it?


There's two ways you can do this but you need the toolset. The easiest way is to create a new game with the face you want, go or tab through the intro and make a save. Open this new game in the toolset, the save games are under my documents/bioware/dragon age/characters/nameofcharacter/saves/

Once the save game is open you'll see trees, go to SAVEGAME_PLAYERCHAR -> SAVEGAME_PLAYERCHAR_CHAR ->SAVEGAME_PLAYER_MORPH

On this line right click in the empty value column and click copy. (it's not actually empty)


Then you'll open the save game you want to edit, go to the same spot in the file and paste in what you just copied. Save and there you have a new face!


The second way is to create a whole new head morph. Once you do that you right click and post to local, you'll find the morph in your override/toolsetexport/ folders in the my documents/dragon age/ and ect folders. Copy it and put it in override and delete the one in /toolsetexport. You'll also need to navigate to the modules folder in /single player/ and delete everything there or your main game won't play.


THEN, you'll have to open your save game like we did in the first method and navigate to SAVEGAME_PLAYERCHAR -> SAVEGAME_PLAYERCHAR_CHAR -> SAVEGAME_APPEARANCE -> SAVEGAME_APPEARANCE_MORPH_NAME

Then type in your new morph's name without the .mor extension and save.


Hope that helps :)

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