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Housing Mod: What I'd Like to Have...If I Could Mod


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Many beds for my many followers(minimum ten). Convenient multiple resource storage next to my crafting stations. A nudity trigger for pools and baths. Max exhibition not important...except for claws and masques. More activities for my followers when not out on quests with me.


Clarification: Convenient multiple resource storage next to my crafting stations means just that. Frex, right next to an enchanting table I'd like to have one chest for soul gems, one for gear, one for jewelry, and one for weapons. This is so that I'm not required to waste time running hither and yon in order to pick up needed items. Same for any other crafting station.

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I would think many of the great housing mods already fit (more or less) your description. Although saying that, creating a housing mod like this would be rather easy.


Keeping it script free, with no amazing features. You could make named chests near your smithing, enchanting etc rooms for your stuff like ingots and ingredients. So you know where stuff is and knowing what is kept inside without looking inside.


As for a trigger to allow NPCs to become nude while in some kind of pool would need a script (I would guess)


But taking a good look at the top housing mods would be a good start!

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Lol! I've already done the house search. Many, if not most, are very well done. However, regarding many multiples of followers or truly user friendly crafting stations most leave something to be desired. Frex, the best ones handle alchemical and enchanting stations very well, but still manage to leave smelting and forging w/o handy storage. The latter means that I'm still required to spend a great deal of time going back and forth from the work station to storage. Further, almost all of them are deficient when it comes to providing sleeping and living quarters for high multiples of followers. I just finished downloading and touring a truly huge mod that's in a very desirable location gamewise. It seems to be very stable, is truly impressive as to scope and size, is very skillfully done, however, it's got serious overkill in the display area(a common failing for many mods)and is truly short on living space for followers. What has been provided is very follower friendly, it's just that there's not enough of it. Fortunately, the mod, being truly huge, lends itself well to my creating and dropping many bedrolls. So, I can provide sleeping arrangements for my followers, but they're not very classy. Lol, the mod itself is so large that I spent at least fifteen minutes or more just touring the place and still didn't reach the end. Most of it was empty so I assume that it's a work in progress...which is not such a good thing as it will require a complete evacuation and clean save from outside prior to upgrading. Pain in the tuchas that is.


I've found another mod that's equally massive in size and scope, is very well designed in every category, but is in a rather remote and frozen location. Since I'm currently running vanilla Requiem (which means real overland travel), Frostfall and RND, I find it's location to be prohibitive.


In the end I'll probably fall back on good 'ol Lakeview Manor and it's many permutations...such as Lakeview Extended by Ac3s and Lakeview Underhall by DigitalSky...assuming that they'll play nice together. We'll see. Also, they're smaller and not quite so overwhelming plus they provide lots of follower space and crafting arrangements...not particularly handy crafting but not really bad either and I've grown accustomed to them. Altogether, Lakeview has a kind of homey feel to it that the truly huge ones lack. The really big ones need a lot of npcs or followers to make them feel lived in.

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I often feel that what I look for in a player home is the complete opposite of what other players want. I pretty much just want to find some abandoned place and squat in it - a refitted barrow, a small dwemer building, a single tower with an interior, even a nice little cave. Not a lot of actual stuff inside, just the essentials like a bed, containers, crafting stations, weapon racks, etc. I'd decorate it myself with stuff I brought with me from my adventures. I don't really want a whole damn mansion fully stocked with everything I could ever need.


See, back when I was playing Fallout 3 I never bothered to get either of the player homes because I knew I could get the best home for free - I'd just convince the Mechanist to leave and then live in that underground lair of his. It was small and cozy and had mostly everything I needed and close to a place where I could find merchants most of the time.


I always wanted to find something similar in Skyrim, but most places you can squat in are in the exterior world and I want a place where I can close the door behind me. Plus, I don't want to have to worry about my stuff despawning. I considered living in Mistwatch since the bandits never respawn there, but it was a bit too large and my computer doesn't handle fortress interiors very well. Sinderon's Field Laboratory might work, except it's ridiculously remote and doesn't have a forge.


Oh well. Nowadays I just use Kagrenac's Instant Fortress since it's fairly simple and by far the most practical house mod I know of. Still, I sometimes feel like cracking open the creation kit and teaching myself how to make a few very basic house mods.

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I'm the complete opposite of RelativelyBest - the grander the better. And they don't get much grander than Sjel Blad Castle (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41612). Not only is it colossal, it has every utility you could ever need, including an incredibly handy system for sorting all of your stored items and moving them to the most convenient place (e.g. moving all ores, ingots, gems etc into the forge area).

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OP, you should take a look at the Dragonsmount mod. It has 8 beds for followers, but could easily be altered for 10 or more. I am creating a boarding school version of his mod that already has more beds than that, but the idea is that some of the followers will hold different positions in the school, such as teachers, priests, captain of the guard, librarian, bartender, etc. It has 22 beds that can be used by followers, in addition to the 18 set aside for children, & the12 set aside for guards.


Relativelybest, have you tried the Rayek's End mod? It sounds right up your alley.

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