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Bug - Patrol Guards

Bolgo The Madd

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Is there a mod to fix the guards always trying to arrest me.

I don't use any mods yet and there is no patch so far - so this is all game.

Here is what happens.


Sometimes I book past a fight on my horse, because I don't want to deal with 3 wolves or anything.

Then some dashing guard rides in and saves the day.

Obviously, I get off my horse and back him up with an arrow or two... from the back.


When I try to talk to him after the fight he always says something like

"the jig is up! Hand over your stolen goods and pay the fine!"


I don't have any stolen goods.

If I don't talk to him, he'll just get on his horse and go away... so he's not AFTER me.

The fine is usually 1 gold. But I have seen it at 40 gold two times so far.


This didn't happen the first few times a guard saved me, they just talked to me.

But now they want to arrest me, and I haven't commited a crime!


Is there a mod to fix this bug?

If there is a Fan Fix patch - please let me know.

and this bug specifically is REALLY annoying.



glut glut -


Bolgo The Madd

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This bug is probably not a bug at all, but you're probably shooting the guard while trying to fight the wolves -_-



No. Sry, I thought that too so I checked it out.


I've loaded it again, and let him do ALL the work.

I've never touched the guy!

I don't even draw a weapon.


Why does he want 1 gold from me?


I've even checked all my alchemy ingrediants, the ones worth 1 gold.

None of them are stolen, and I don't think any of the surrounding flowers have been

incorrectly given to any NPC... this is in the middle of the road -

Half-way to Kvatch.


Has any one else seen this bug?


Is there a fix?


If I was to fix it, how would I do it with the CS?



glut glut




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I figured out that the 40 gold fine was for accidentally hitting the guard with an attack.

It's 40 gold per attack.


But that still doesn't explain my mysterious 1 gold fine...

for leading enemys to him.


Its most definately a bug.


But I'll just tell myself its a 1 gold fine for acting suspicious + an investigation.

I hate these guys.



glut glut


Bolgo The Madd

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