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Fran's and OOO


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Get FCOM. :)


It's a huge huge huge overhaul, takes some installing and some tweaking, but its basically Frans, Warcry, OOO & Martigens Monster Mod all playin nice and pally with one and other. As for compatability... with my base FCOM build I have 240 mods running at all times... Including Better Cities, COBL, The Armamentarium, Artifcats, all the Unique Landscapes mods, and loadsa the major quest mods. The spares I save to play around with and test things. And that doesn't include my 13 custom races (all merged into one) or any of the 100s of suiuts of armour, clothing and weapons I have (merged into a sort of "Jenrai's mini-mall" :D) And the only compatability tweaks I've needed to make have been downgrading some weapons as I was getting the powerful modded stuff far too early. (there's only so long jamming the prices up in the vendors will protect you) Where compatability is an issue, particularly with the overhaul mods, you'll usually find there's a patch available.

The FCOM guys especially are great at taking care of that as its so popular and widley used, but also MMM and OOO on their own tend to be pretty well looked after in terms of compatability issues.



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