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Editing dependent files


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I've loaded into the CS a dependent ESP as the active one, and its parent as checkmarked, but not active. Made my changes in the dependent ESP, but when I save and exit, it's lost its master when I check in Wrye. Any idea how I can keep that in the CS?
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I've loaded into the CS a dependent ESP as the active one, and its parent as checkmarked, but not active. Made my changes in the dependent ESP, but when I save and exit, it's lost its master when I check in Wrye. Any idea how I can keep that in the CS?


Sounds like the master is an ESP rather than an ESM?

You need to trick the CS into thinking that the master ESP is an ESM.


Using Wrye Bash, right-click the master file and select "ESMify Self"

Make your edits in the CS to the dependent file & save

Now use "ESPify Self" on the master file in Wrye Bash


You must ALWAYS ESMify a master ESP before loading it into the CS as a master to another ESP. Failure to do so will trash the dependent ESP.

You must ALWAYS ESPify a master ESP before loading it into the game. Failure to do so will seriously mess up any worldspaces edited by that ESMified ESP (though as long as you don't save the game, it's harmless).

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