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Woodland Grace


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I've been traying to make a ring that uses the Woodland Grace, but I can't seem to find it in the Construction Set. I loaded Oblivion and Knights of the Nine plugin, but I don't find it. Can someone give me a little help ?? :wacko:


I've found it !!! But i need help with the script:

begin OnEquip player
	Player.SetFactionRank NDPredators 0
	Player.AddSpell NDAbWoodlandGrace		

begin OnUnequip player
Player.SetFactionRank NDPredators -1
Player.RemoveSpell NDAbWoodlandGrace

Is this right ??


Thanks in advance,


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It looks like it should work if you really want to check it put in game like in the testing hall then coc to the location and try it out i suggest putting a minor enchantment on the ring as well to make sure you dont accidentally enchant it and delete the script in game whenever you plan to impliment this.
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You might want to double-check and see if your new script is an Object Script. It won't show up if it is a Quest Script or Magic Effect Script.


The script won't show up if it is a script you just barely made. You would have to close the ring's window and open it up again. But I imagine you are way past that point by now.


Is your script named what you think it is named? You won't find it if it has a different name then you think it has.


You are working with the "Script" box rather than the "Enchanting" box aren't you?

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I've decided to change the mod a little bit and instead of a ring that adds the Woodland Grace power, I've decided to make a cape wich lets the user breath under water (and still has the Woodland Grace power). The thing is that everytime I try to save, after I add the enchantment and the script, the CS crashes and closes.

Does anyone know why does it happen ?? :wacko:

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  • 9 months later...

I've decided to change the mod a little bit and instead of a ring that adds the Woodland Grace power, I've decided to make a cape wich lets the user breath under water (and still has the Woodland Grace power). The thing is that everytime I try to save, after I add the enchantment and the script, the CS crashes and closes.

Does anyone know why does it happen ?? :wacko:


Probably a bit late for an answer, but, Im trying to do the same thing, except Im adding the Woodland Grace ability to my player spell list. The problem is, the Construction Set struggles with big esp's. Thats why it keeps crashing.

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