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Midas Magic help


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Hey, i have 2 problems


one is that i stole the enchanted cloth from midas, and something happened to it where it got removed from my house, and so im wondering if theres anyway to get it back


the other problem is that the main book (the one with like, 90% of the spells, i cant remember the name) everytime i try to buy it, it doesnt appear in my inventory, and midas's shop doesnt restock it


could you help me please? :D?

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The item code for the enchanted cloths will be dependant on your load order. Best way of fiding it is to open the CS with Midas as the active mod and find the cloth - I can't remember the exact name, but its under items in the midas mod. (I may have accidentally on purpose added an extra one or two to my house... 10k for a cloth? He's avin a laugh, that midas fella. ;) )

Anyways... when you fiind the cloth in the CS, scroll along to what should be the second column, it should be collapsed. Expand it. Thats the formID ref column. Get the ref for cloth, then check your load order. In the CS, it'll list it as a hex starting with 01 (IIRC - long time since I did much like this in the CS) - replace those numbers with the position in the load order. So say the hex in the CS is 0100D5EF, but Midas is 95th in your actual game load order, you need to change it to 9500D5EF.

Now you got your code, open the console in game and type "Player.additem <item code> <no. of items>". Without the "'s & <>'s. So using our code above and say you wanted three of em, it'd be player.additem 9500D5EF 3.


Enjoy. ;)



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