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Did aliens play a role in human civilization?


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If Aliens did help man in the past, where is the evidence? Surely they would have slipped up and left a piece of technology laying around that we could pick up and look at and say for certain, whatever this is wasn't created by humans. Whether it be an incredibly advanced tool, or some other piece of technology. There would be some sort of traces somewhere if this were the case, but there isn't.


As for the Nazca lines, all they did to make those was to flip rocks over to expose the other side of them, which is lighter colored than the surrounding rocks. It would be easy enough for a few hundred people to get together and make a pattern.


And the mountain tops flattened out, I believe those were areas they probably quarried stone from the top of the mountain to build their temples. Quarry some stone, and then roll it down the hill to someone below, it would also explain why there are no traces of where they moved the stone and soil to, because it was used in construction of their massive temples. It would have been efficient to do it that way also, quarry a large block and then roll it down the hill to someone below who then cuts it into pieces and in smaller sizes.


Until they find a smoking gun, a piece of alien technology buried from thousands of years ago, I will continue to doubt alien intervention and respect the ingenuity of ancient man to accomplish incredibly feats with man power alone.


Good point, other than the mountain top. Its a mountain we're talking about here, not a hill. To disassemble an entire mountain for building their temples or for quarries isn't well thought out, its impossible to remove an entire mountain, it simply can't be done, that is for the ancients. Doing an action such as this is a feat more difficult than building the pyrimids, or building stonehenge.


Oh I believe I did say it was a mountain top, and not a hill, I only said they rolled the stones down the hill, which I meant mountain, but you get the idea.


Its an incredible feat and they did it with manpower and hand tools. You forget that time and manpower were much less expensive than today. 10000 people chipping away at stone for a century or so could have leveled the mountain off. They say the Egyptians used a labor force of about 15000 for 30 years to build the Giza Pyramid. And this was much longer ago than the Nazca lines. In ancient times you could easily round up 10s of thousands of people to work doing back breaking labor just for enough food to feed their families. Manpower wasn't the issue, they had it in abundance.

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Hey, hey, hey, knock it off, no fighting in my topics. This is a place of debate, where people come to express their opinions about what I post, not a place to insult each other. I don't care who started it, just please drop it ok?

The point of debate is not simply for people to express their opinions, it's to express them and combat those of other people, to try to figure out who is right.

I agree that ad hominem attacks add nothing to a debate but bringing the question of an opponents competence and mental state doesn't fall under that.


Also you should try not to double post, just edit your post instead.



Oh I believe I did say it was a mountain top, and not a hill, I only said they rolled the stones down the hill, which I meant mountain, but you get the idea.


Its an incredible feat and they did it with manpower and hand tools. You forget that time and manpower were much less expensive than today. 10000 people chipping away at stone for a century or so could have leveled the mountain off. They say the Egyptians used a labor force of about 15000 for 30 years to build the Giza Pyramid. And this was much longer ago than the Nazca lines. In ancient times you could easily round up 10s of thousands of people to work doing back breaking labor just for enough food to feed their families. Manpower wasn't the issue, they had it in abundance.

You're using logic, but some people just want to believe in something, in the end unless you can truly prove something did not happen or does not exist, which is near impossible, there will be individuals who will decide to believe in the more interesting and meaningful answer, and once they believe they'd feel as if they had lost something dear to them if they decided to stop believing, so they decide not to.


To an extent an illusion must be reinforced by oneself, one must debate it to keep doubt out of their own mind, they feel that if they can convince others that their fantasy is real that somehow that will make it real.


Interesting stuff, although what I said doesn't really directly apply to any one person here, but it's a general truth to consider that's somewhat related.

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Hey, hey, hey, knock it off, no fighting in my topics. This is a place of debate, where people come to express their opinions about what I post, not a place to insult each other. I don't care who started it, just please drop it ok?

The point of debate is not simply for people to express their opinions, it's to express them and combat those of other people, to try to figure out who is right.

I agree that ad hominem attacks add nothing to a debate but bringing the question of an opponents competence and mental state doesn't fall under that.


Also you should try not to double post, just edit your post instead.



Oh I believe I did say it was a mountain top, and not a hill, I only said they rolled the stones down the hill, which I meant mountain, but you get the idea.


Its an incredible feat and they did it with manpower and hand tools. You forget that time and manpower were much less expensive than today. 10000 people chipping away at stone for a century or so could have leveled the mountain off. They say the Egyptians used a labor force of about 15000 for 30 years to build the Giza Pyramid. And this was much longer ago than the Nazca lines. In ancient times you could easily round up 10s of thousands of people to work doing back breaking labor just for enough food to feed their families. Manpower wasn't the issue, they had it in abundance.

You're using logic, but some people just want to believe in something, in the end unless you can truly prove something did not happen or does not exist, which is near impossible, there will be individuals who will decide to believe in the more interesting and meaningful answer, and once they believe they'd feel as if they had lost something dear to them if they decided to stop believing, so they decide not to.


To an extent an illusion must be reinforced by oneself, one must debate it to keep doubt out of their own mind, they feel that if they can convince others that their fantasy is real that somehow that will make it real.


Interesting stuff, although what I said doesn't really directly apply to any one person here, but it's a general truth to consider that's somewhat related.



I think the fact is that ancient man was able to accomplish things, considering what they had to work with, much more impressive than many things we do today with out machinery and technology. Our society is limited by cost, and the monetary factor, which wasn't as much of a factor back in ancient times, like labor for example, for long periods of time, they didn't have to pay workmans comp, health insurance, dental, etc to everyone. And all this is a limiting factor as to what is feasible for us to do today with large numbers of manpower, which is more expensive than material. For the ancients, material is what was expensive, and manpower was cheap. With our current technology, we could potentially send a man to Mars, but we will not any time soon because of the cost factor. Now if we put our entire budget into it, we could probably do it in a year or 2. Ancient man had kinds/rulers that were willing to put all the resources they had into building monolithic structures, for whatever reason, and they certainly did, all over the world there is evidence of this. If we were to spend the entire US budget in a few building projects, like many ancient cultures did, then we could build some crazy incredible things as well.


For something as extraordinary and controversial as aliens helping ancient man out, you have to prove that they did. not that they didn't, or be forced to give ancient man the credit they deserve. And I don't see any evidence even remotely suggesting an alien influence.




The aliens brought the flying saucers in, took a big laser beam, cut the top of a mountain off in mere seconds, used a tractor beam to move it to the ground, then cut it up in thousands of smaller pieces that were perfectly square with laser beams, which were then levitated, and stacked into temples. All in a days work huh?


Nazca lines? Those were cut in the ground by a flying saucer with a laser beam.


Ancient man were stupid, had no ingenuity, and needed to help of the all mighty gods, the aliens to hold their hand and give them knowledge and also build everything for them. Because lets face it, its impossible to move a 100 ton block with just manpower right? It had to be levitated by a tractor beam or anti-gravity.

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I think the fact is that ancient man was able to accomplish things, considering what they had to work with, much more impressive than many things we do today with out machinery and technology. Our society is limited by cost, and the monetary factor, which wasn't as much of a factor back in ancient times, like labor for example, for long periods of time, they didn't have to pay workmans comp, health insurance, dental, etc to everyone. And all this is a limiting factor as to what is feasible for us to do today with large numbers of manpower, which is more expensive than material. For the ancients, material is what was expensive, and manpower was cheap. With our current technology, we could potentially send a man to Mars, but we will not any time soon because of the cost factor. Ancient man had kinds/rulers that were willing to put all the resources they had into building monolithic structures, for whatever reason, and they certainly did, all over the world there is evidence of this. If we were to spend the entire US budget in a few building projects, like many ancient cultures did, then we could build some crazy incredible things as well.




The aliens brought the flying saucers in, took a big laser beam, cut the top of a mountain off in mere seconds, used a tractor beam to move it to the ground, then cut it up in thousands of smaller pieces that were perfectly square with laser beams, which were then levitated, and stacked into temples. All in a days work huh?


Nazca lines? Those were cut in the ground by a flying saucer with a laser beam.


Ancient man were stupid, had no ingenuity, and needed to help of the all mighty gods, the aliens to hold their hand and give them knowledge and also build everything for them. Because lets face it, its impossible to move a 100 ton block with just manpower right? It had to be levitated by a tractor beam or anti-gravity.


But what I dislike about the alien answer is that it is deus ex, we have one answer which is possible, and we've seen people do things like that before elsewhere, and we have another which introduces something which doesn't seem to be real and says "It would've been easier if this thing did it.".


We could say that they had learned of nitroglycerin and used that, we could say they used slaves and forced, unpaid labor over a long period of time, all of which seem possible, I'll pick any number of logical answers over a deus ex which puts aliens into the picture.

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Hey, hey, hey, knock it off, no fighting in my topics. This is a place of debate, where people come to express their opinions about what I post, not a place to insult each other. I don't care who started it, just please drop it ok?

The point of debate is not simply for people to express their opinions, it's to express them and combat those of other people, to try to figure out who is right.

I agree that ad hominem attacks add nothing to a debate but bringing the question of an opponents competence and mental state doesn't fall under that.


Also you should try not to double post, just edit your post instead.



Oh I believe I did say it was a mountain top, and not a hill, I only said they rolled the stones down the hill, which I meant mountain, but you get the idea.


Its an incredible feat and they did it with manpower and hand tools. You forget that time and manpower were much less expensive than today. 10000 people chipping away at stone for a century or so could have leveled the mountain off. They say the Egyptians used a labor force of about 15000 for 30 years to build the Giza Pyramid. And this was much longer ago than the Nazca lines. In ancient times you could easily round up 10s of thousands of people to work doing back breaking labor just for enough food to feed their families. Manpower wasn't the issue, they had it in abundance.

You're using logic, but some people just want to believe in something, in the end unless you can truly prove something did not happen or does not exist, which is near impossible, there will be individuals who will decide to believe in the more interesting and meaningful answer, and once they believe they'd feel as if they had lost something dear to them if they decided to stop believing, so they decide not to.


To an extent an illusion must be reinforced by oneself, one must debate it to keep doubt out of their own mind, they feel that if they can convince others that their fantasy is real that somehow that will make it real.


Interesting stuff, although what I said doesn't really directly apply to any one person here, but it's a general truth to consider that's somewhat related.



I think the fact is that ancient man was able to accomplish things, considering what they had to work with, much more impressive than many things we do today with out machinery and technology. Our society is limited by cost, and the monetary factor, which wasn't as much of a factor back in ancient times, like labor for example, for long periods of time, they didn't have to pay workmans comp, health insurance, dental, etc to everyone. And all this is a limiting factor as to what is feasible for us to do today with large numbers of manpower, which is more expensive than material. For the ancients, material is what was expensive, and manpower was cheap. With our current technology, we could potentially send a man to Mars, but we will not any time soon because of the cost factor. Now if we put our entire budget into it, we could probably do it in a year or 2. Ancient man had kinds/rulers that were willing to put all the resources they had into building monolithic structures, for whatever reason, and they certainly did, all over the world there is evidence of this. If we were to spend the entire US budget in a few building projects, like many ancient cultures did, then we could build some crazy incredible things as well.


For something as extraordinary and controversial as aliens helping ancient man out, you have to prove that they did. not that they didn't, or be forced to give ancient man the credit they deserve. And I don't see any evidence even remotely suggesting an alien influence.




The aliens brought the flying saucers in, took a big laser beam, cut the top of a mountain off in mere seconds, used a tractor beam to move it to the ground, then cut it up in thousands of smaller pieces that were perfectly square with laser beams, which were then levitated, and stacked into temples. All in a days work huh?


Nazca lines? Those were cut in the ground by a flying saucer with a laser beam.


Ancient man were stupid, had no ingenuity, and needed to help of the all mighty gods, the aliens to hold their hand and give them knowledge and also build everything for them. Because lets face it, its impossible to move a 100 ton block with just manpower right? It had to be levitated by a tractor beam or anti-gravity.


Woah, hold on a second, I never said that ancient men were stupid, they were brilliant. All I'm saying is that if we can't domolish a mountain today, then how did ancients do it with simple tools? I never said they were idiots, thats just putting words in my mouth. Oh and InternetTherapist, I don't think I double posted.

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Maybe they had deeper insights into nature and so they thought lets move this moutanin top to inspire some faith into the populace and get the kindergarden to quiet down. :biggrin:


Whoever has doubt of this stuff i point to latest yahoo news about a yogi who has been blessed by a hindu goddes at age 13 or so and since then he does not need to eat and drink anymore.


2 drops of amrita coming down his throat are well sufficient. Doctors of the indian military have watched him and confirmed genuine.


Anyway doesnt actually mean i believe someone displaced that mountain. Rather there gotta be some natural cause. Sadly i am no geologist.


I bet geologists could probably point you to even more extravagant things on the planet where you might think wow but its really just by nature.


Then again i havent really looked at that thing and it might be also possible that this feat was achieved through slave work.


Aint it wonderfull that we have all this technology now? But we really should stop this wars and exploitation of one another.


That is the next thing on the agenda. Then the mind can quiet down and new things open up on a collective level.

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Woah, hold on a second, I never said that ancient men were stupid, they were brilliant. All I'm saying is that if we can't domolish a mountain today, then how did ancients do it with simple tools? I never said they were idiots, thats just putting words in my mouth. Oh and InternetTherapist, I don't think I double posted.


We demolish mountains all the time today, in one way or another for a variety of reasons. Mining of resources take its toll on a mountain, especially strip mining, where they scrape the minerals off the surface and go down until they can't find any more, which is done frequently to get coal and sometimes for metals.


There are also large granite/marble quarries that pretty much take a mountain made out of those materials and demolish it over time. Ancient man did this as well to quarry these materials.


Also mountains are demolished to make way for tunnels, or roadways, some going many miles through mountains, or cutting a large section from a mountain to make way for a road.


You clearly don't have your facts together to say something like we can't even demolish a mountain today. I mean seriously, we got high explosives that can make easy work of a mountain. And its demolish, not domolish. We do have an active spell check on these boards, I suggest you use them.


I am currently going to college for civil engineering, and I say what ancient man did is perfectly possible with that they had at their disposal, its just a matter of time and numbers of manpower, which was in no short supply in those times. The logistics would have been very challenging, but teamwork and a tyrant or leader viewed as a son of a god could have inspired them. And people would have done their best, or would have probably been executed. Unlike people today who could be lazy and just do well enough to keep their jobs, that attitude would have gotten you beheaded by a tyrant in ancient times.

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Woah, hold on a second, I never said that ancient men were stupid, they were brilliant. All I'm saying is that if we can't domolish a mountain today, then how did ancients do it with simple tools? I never said they were idiots, thats just putting words in my mouth. Oh and InternetTherapist, I don't think I double posted.


It's right there on page 10, you can't miss it.

I don't mind people double posting, It's not a serious problem, I just wanted to bring it to your attention so that a mod doesn't do so in the future.



Whoever has doubt of this stuff i point to latest yahoo news about a yogi who has been blessed by a hindu goddes at age 13 or so and since then he does not need to eat and drink anymore.


2 drops of amrita coming down his throat are well sufficient. Doctors of the indian military have watched him and confirmed genuine.



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You havent even googled to verify the story. How old are you that you cannot google, but have to post so quickly? Ten?


Do you have an ADHS condition or something? All you do is trolling and spamming. Dont understand me wrong i dont take any offence, :laugh: not at that, but for you own sake just stop.

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Well you havent even googled. How old are you that you cannot google and post pictures? Ten? Do you have ADHS condition or something? Jesus. Its really close to trolling and just spamming.


I did try to find that article you were talking about, I did Google it, but I couldn't find it, maybe you should've given me a link.


So I used short summery of my opinion, in picture form, which is that I don't think so, Tim, I don't see why that's so terrible.


And it's not like all my post had was that picture, I did reply to something else, and in text form, I don't see how that makes me a child or how that means I have something called ADHS which I've never heard of.


Lets try to stay on topic.



So you read an article on the internet about wizards and fairies and unicorns, that's great, I don't believe it and I don't believe who wrote it, it hasn't been proven and I highly doubt it's possible, I don't think you should use it in a debate.

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