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CUBE problem

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From what I understand Cube is a stand alone mod. In other words, cube is its own game and is not intended for use with the rest of the Fallout 3 game.


Yea but when I left the cube, it puts you back by tenpenny tower with all the experimental weaponry you won. However I am left with a weapon I don't think I was supposed to have, the energy melter, and cannot unequip it.

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Look though the comments on the download page, tons of people have this and other problems after playing Cube, your save is toast. I hope you still have a save before you started Cube. I'm not trying to be mean but it's a well documented problem.
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Before you do anything drastic, open up the geck with CUBE loaded but no active file. Navigate the wherever the energy melter is located and delete. Save as a new plugin and activate it when you next launch fallout. Save again, then exit and deactivate the plugin.

That should work. If not, you WILL probably have to load from earlier.

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