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Thanks to evrybody... even mods


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Its simple really, i used to be active in other forums (ones that where not the Nexus) and well people there weren't the best... always flaming, insulting ect. You get the image, thing is i was an Forum Mod back then, and well, it seriously got at me the people over there so i just left one day... haha!! The look on their faces musta have been legendary!

So i have found the Nexus, the people here are plain amazing, fun, chit chatting, helpful, even the mods and admins...

So i just wanna say a big THANK YOU to everybody here!!! Your making me think twice about forum community.


"Now i should go kill something before i get all weepy" Quoted BladeMaster from IC Arena

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I like it here, too. I like the silly people who post silly images on the image share. And I like all the awesome mods and modders. They're so great that it inspired me to try modding myself.
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It's the only place that kept me around for more than a couple of months. It's wierd to say this, knowing myself, but here I am after more than 2 years. I have met many nice people over the years and I can say I improved my English quite a bit since I'm here. :sweat:
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It's the only place that kept me around for more than a couple of months. It's wierd to say this, knowing myself, but here I am after more than 2 years. I have met many nice people over the years and I can say I improved my English quite a bit since I'm here. :sweat:


Push, I didn't even notice anything wrong with your English. You're doing a great job with the language. What's your first language, if you don't mind my asking?

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I'm from Romania, Europe. Middle sized country with 20 mil. people. The same population New York has, lol. :tongue:


We have this joke around here. "When the end of the worlds comes, come to Romania, we are 50 years behind."

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It's the only place that kept me around for more than a couple of months. It's wierd to say this, knowing myself, but here I am after more than 2 years. I have met many nice people over the years and I can say I improved my English quite a bit since I'm here. :sweat:


Push, I didn't even notice anything wrong with your English. You're doing a great job with the language. What's your first language, if you don't mind my asking?


We are neighbors! :biggrin:


Serbia here.And Romania rocks,btw,I have a couple of friends from Bukurest,and one moldavian friend also living in Romania.

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I have many sites that I go to too! I have never seen anything like what we have hear tho, especially the strike system. I feel safer somehow. :thumbsup:


And the nexus is not like some places I go that is all one game or subject really. We have a multitude of stuff we can do and be apart of.


Thanks to everyone!

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