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I was wondering if anyone would be interested in either enlightening me to an existing mod (I have looked and looked, don`t worry), or giving me tips as to how to make one. The idea is simple: to have a trigger go off when an NPCs disposition to you gets to 100 that starts some form of quest line that ends on you scamming them, and making off with hundreds of septims. I could do without the quest part, so I just instantaneously get the money when their disposition is high enough, but I would like to avoid having only a few select NPCs you can do this with.


If possible, I would definitely prefer being able to do it with anyone you wanted (although only being able to do it with members of the opposite sex would be fine too). And, of course, if you have any ideas to make it more in-depth, then that would be great.


Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!

Edited by Ullyses1
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