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Better Storage Sacks


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I really love Tekuromoto's Storage Sacks mod (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25012), but for me, the one downside is that you cannot use an item directly from the storage sacks, you have to swap the item back into your backpack first. So my idea, was to add the option to hotkey+LeftClick an item to attempt to use it directly, with equipable items not usable this way, or dropped to backpack before being equipped.


Does this seem possible/worthwhile to anyone?

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I'm gonna give this a cheeky bump. Surely the idea of having say, all your combat potions in one bag, which you have hotkeyed, and which you can use with a simple control+leftclick, appeals to someone? I'll have a go at coding it myself if someone can give me a hint as to where to start.
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Check this mod. It works a little differently, but in addition to the standard 8 hotkeys, it allows 8 hot key spells, 8 hotkey changes of gear and has a 'Purse of Wonders' which functions similar to the storage sacks.


Quick Clothes and Spells http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14794

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