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GECK Saves


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I have only just started to use the GECK and have just created some simple weapon/armour mods. Each time I save a file the .esp shows up in the save window with a small lock icon over it. Using FOMM and just seaching in the data file any other way will not find the file. I dont know if I have to change any settings to the files. Any help would be appreciated.
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If you have Vista or Windows7, AND you installed your game in the default directory, then you will never see the mod in the data folder.


The GECK is NOT part of the game so the OS sees it as a virus or trojan program trying to change FO3 game files. This is not allowed by the OS.



Solution? Pick one of these:


1. Install your game to your Root C: drive. Like C:\Games\Fallout3\

2. Remove the security from your OS so it can join the XP computer ranks and become a Zombie computer.

3. In your \Fallout3\Data\ folder, look at the top right. There should be a button called 'Compatibility Files'. Click that to find your mod. You can then copy it from there to your Data folder.

4. Run the GECK in Administrator mode. Right-click on the icon and select, Run as Administrator.





Now, if you want to install the Fallout3 game somewhere else per #1 above without loosing your current mods you have installed, you can do this:


1. Move your existing \Program Files\Fallout3\ to your C root drive in a new folder that you need to create called C:\Games\ It should look like this after the move: C:\Games\Fallout3\

2. Rename the folder you just moved in step 1 to C:\Games\Fallout003\

3. Uninstall the game. Check the option to keep your save game files. This will clear the registry and not remove any game folders because you moved them somewhere else.

3. Re-install the game to C:\Games\Fallout3\

4. After the reinstall is done, DELETE the just installed folder at C:\Games\Fallout3\

5. Rename the folder from step 2 above to C:\Games\Fallout3\


If done right, this will change the Registry to the new game folders location, plus keep everything you currently have in the protected folder location.


WARNING: If you are not computer saavy, then find someone who is to do the above for you. Or ask more questions.

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If you have Vista or Windows7, AND you installed your game in the default directory, then you will never see the mod in the data folder.


The GECK is NOT part of the game so the OS sees it as a virus or trojan program trying to change FO3 game files. This is not allowed by the OS.



Solution? Pick one of these:


1. Install your game to your Root C: drive. Like C:\Games\Fallout3\

2. Remove the security from your OS so it can join the XP computer ranks and become a Zombie computer.

3. In your \Fallout3\Data\ folder, look at the top right. There should be a button called 'Compatibility Files'. Click that to find your mod. You can then copy it from there to your Data folder.

4. Run the GECK in Administrator mode. Right-click on the icon and select, Run as Administrator.





Now, if you want to install the Fallout3 game somewhere else per #1 above without loosing your current mods you have installed, you can do this:


1. Move your existing \Program Files\Fallout3\ to your C root drive in a new folder that you need to create called C:\Games\ It should look like this after the move: C:\Games\Fallout3\

2. Rename the folder you just moved in step 1 to C:\Games\Fallout003\

3. Uninstall the game. Check the option to keep your save game files. This will clear the registry and not remove any game folders because you moved them somewhere else.

3. Re-install the game to C:\Games\Fallout3\

4. After the reinstall is done, DELETE the just installed folder at C:\Games\Fallout3\

5. Rename the folder from step 2 above to C:\Games\Fallout3\


If done right, this will change the Registry to the new game folders location, plus keep everything you currently have in the protected folder location.


WARNING: If you are not computer saavy, then find someone who is to do the above for you. Or ask more questions.

Hey thanks for the help, I was able to find the file using compatability files but FOMM still wont find it even if i run GECK as the admin. Is there anyway i can remove security for fallout 3 things without effecting the rest of the computer?

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1) Did you copy the file found with 'Compatibility Files' to your \Data folder?

2) Disabling UAC is an all or nothing sort of thing. Here is a link describing the process.

3) Why not just make your user account have Admin privileges?

4) I believe reinstalling fallout to a folder outside of \Program Files is a better option that disabling UAC.

5) Try running FOMM as Admin as well.

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Thanks i did reinstall and that seemed to work. I had FOOK 2 a while ago but it didnt work with the zeta dlc so i uninstalled. What i now want to do is use it in GECK if that is possible just for the extra weapons and armour but not run the actual FOOk 2 in FOMM. All i can find is the uninstall folder and nothing else left over. is it possible to use the weapons ad armours as a plugin in GECK without activating all the FOOK2 files when launching fallout?
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Yes. But, if you load two or more files in the Geck, then use assets from one that is not the 'Active' file, then your active file will become dependent on the other file and that other file will automatically load in the game when your 'Active' file loads. A better solution to avoid this is to have both files open in the geck and then edit an object from the non active file and give it a new ID and then save it. That will place a copy into your mod without making your mod dependent on the other mod. It can be a bit tricky though. Like you have to make a copy of all related objects. For example... A weapon may use a custom projectile and have an object effect and have a script running on it as well. The object effect might be made up of base effects and an effect script. You would have to make copies of all of those things and point your copies to your copies. Like your new base effect that uses an effect script will still be pointing to the original script, so you would have to make it point to the copy of the original script.


I hope this helps. If you mess up and end up with your mod being dependent on the other mod, you can see that dependency in the 'Masters' list when you load your mod from Files --> Data. So make a backup first just to be safe.

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whenever i load Fook red squares start apperaing everywhere with exclamation marks in them its quite annoying. I had a problem before too with fook when i waited in megaton a character from fallout zeta would appear and screwed up all saves. i think i fixed that with the load order.
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