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Oblivion Voice Acting Not As Good As We First Thought


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That adds a great deal of immersiveness to the game, having all the text spoken and not just the openers.


I find it amusing that both Partick Stewart and Sean Bean have done this game, and have also got another six voice-contracts with other people between them. They are prostituting their voice-boxes ;D


Why is it that decent voice-acting is hard to come by in games? Of the recent games I've played only OB and HL2 have decent speech throughout - the people who decided on the British voice-acting for COD2 should be shot.

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As well as adding general immersiveness, it is a large step forward in gaming technology, admitted the amount is limited compared to the vast swathes of options you had in morrowind, and there is the odd screw up- like this one and the homeless people, but those hopefully can be sorted with a patch or a mod.


And lets face it, Patrick Stewart and the yorkshire wonder Sean Bean, its all good!

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  Virhad said:
I must admit, although I like Sean Bean as an actor, and I do like the fact that he is present in the game, most of his voice acting seems pretty dry. Almost never any real emotion.


I believe that's the whole point, how would you sound if you found out the impending doom about to come crashing down on the Empire was only capable of being stopped by you? Martin was the only NPC in the game whose voice didn't annoy me. At least his voice is consistent unlike guards who spit in your face when you first walk up to them and then are all like "It's sooooooo good to see you!!!"

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I agree with Thanateros there. The man was a priest and a rather devoted one at that I gather. I imagine to atone for his shady past that he hints at, he has had to do a lot of soul searching...which in turn may account for his even temper (most times anyway.)


Possible Spoiler:




This also means that when he does speak up, you immediately take notice, like when I showed him a certain book that I found...

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Isn´t there a NPC in Imperial City who talks like Wallace of "Wallace and Gromit"?


I forgot the name of the actor, he was mentioned on the DVD "Wallace and Gromit and the Curse oft the Were-Rabbit".


Sounds funny to me every time i hear him - I´m only waiting for "Wendsleydales, Gromit..."

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That would be Peter Sallis. Er, I haven't met a guy with a voice like his, but I shall certainly try to now :D What would be great is if they did have cameos from celebs and stuff and just not realise it in the pre-release run-up.
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Heck, I was fine with the reading conversations all along. Here is a question, is the lipsynch data streamed, or predefined? Could I in theory take a sound byte and put it in there having the game take a whack at lipsynching it?
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To my knowledge, yes, that was certainly what the devs were saying prior to release. Just speak into a mic, and the game will auto-lip-synch your words. That's how the whole game was done I think. No idea how that can work, but it sounds spiffy. ^^
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