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Need help with companion mod dialogue issue.


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So, I've been working on a small companion mod, one of the issues I've run into is that in game none of the top level topics actually show up in the dialogue list. The only two that do are the trade and wait tabs and they dont actually use the resultscripts it appears. According to all the tutorials I've seen the dialogue is just typed in the topic tab of a quest and the GetisId function is set to the NPC who's dialogue you're writing, which I've done, but it just doesn't appear to work. Thank you for reading and I hope I get some support.

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According to all the tutorials I've seen the dialogue is just typed in the topic tab of a quest and the GetisId function is set to the NPC who's dialogue you're writing, which I've done, but it just doesn't appear to work.

So you've checked the "top level" check box as well? Have you set them to a high priority (like 90)? Are the top level placed under the GREETING topic?

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