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Problems with Re-Modeling


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Hi Community,


I'm a smalltime modder and currently I'm trying to create my personal House-Mod. Since I like the Alien Interiors, I wanted to use them for my House too, but the ceiling of these models are just too bothersome.

That's why I tried to remove parts of the original Model.


Should be easy, right?

I used Blender to remove the parts I didn't want, the ceiling and the ground.

With Nifscope I exported them back into a file the Geck can use. No retexturing needed, and collison should still work. The result looks ok, but...




As you can see, the transparency was lost somewhere down the road. I would be grateful to anyone pointing me in the right direction.

As a sidenote: this wall has a window in it. In Mothership Zeta, it would show you the stars/earth etc... the name of the original model was dlc05MCRmWall02.nif



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I'm still an amateur in modeling and all that. I'm not sure how you problem came about. I wish I could help you.


I could help but notice you said you were making this for a personal house mod. Is this a custom house you are building?


If you are interested I have made a Zeta theme for the Megaton House. The link is in the my signature.


I'm sorry I couldn't help you but I guess this post could serve as a bump for your topic. :P

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I'm in no way an expert with NifSkope or modeling in general, but through observation of existing files and trial & error, I've been able to find my way through NifSkope reasonably well, so if I may...


You're probably missing an NiAlphaProperty node under each of the NiTriStrips nodes. Here's the original nif you modified with those nodes expanded:




If you open that original nif in another instance of NifSkope, you can actually copy and paste those nodes into your nif, which should save you the trouble of creating the node manually with the right settings. In the original nif, click on an NiAlphaProperty node and press Ctrl+C (or right-click > Block > Copy), then in your nif, click on the corresponding NiTriStrips node and press Ctrl+V (or right-click > Block > Paste).


You may then have to update that NiTriStrips node's Properties in the Block Details pane:




If the new NiAlphaProperty node isn't already attached there, increase the "Num Properties" value (if there isn't already a blank Property there), click the green refresh arrows to update, then enter the node index in the new blank Property. If any other Property nodes in the original nif are missing (or don't have the right settings), you should be able to do the same copy/paste process (such as NiMaterialProperty or BSShader...Property nodes).


To get it to work in the GECK and in-game, I think you'll also have to change your root node type to BSFadeNode. On your root node, right-click > Block > Convert, then Bethesda > BSFadeNode.


For future reference, I think the only things that use NiNode as a root node are meshes with biped data, such as actors, creatures, and armor/apparel - everything else should have a BSFadeNode root node.


Hope that helps!

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Sorry for the doublepost, but a new problem appeared.

After trying to solve it by myself for hours, I decided to ask again:


What do I have to do when the transparency blends out the texture the player is supposed to see?




As you can see, the Wall behind the "Forcefield" is visible from a certain angle, but when you stand in front of it, the wall becomes also invisible.

I just don't know enough to solve it alone...


I've attached the model as a rar, so you can watch it in nifscope for yourself, since a pic can't show all the informations.


EDIT: For got to ask the question:

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Copy-Pasting doesn't solve the problem, and if it does, then I'm copying the wrong blocks.

When I use the model in Geck, I can Retexture the forcefield with the NullTextureSet and see the wall without problems. This is why I assume I've done something wrong with the forcefieldmesh.

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I couldn't find anything that caused the problem, so I deleted the "forcefield" and copied it back in from the original mesh and it seems fine: [file]

There's a version with the collision cut down in there too.

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I've also copied the forcefield back from the original, but the result is always the transparent wall.


In Nifscope they always look right (just as the ones you uploaded), but in the Geck there's always this error. And loading the fix_c crashes my Geck... :pinch:

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Think I got it now:




I never loaded it in the GECK before. It was throwing a number of errors from some textures not being assigned:


TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\dlc05\dungeons\mz\mz01.dds for model dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif.
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\dlc05\dungeons\mz\mz01_n.dds for model dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif.
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\dlc05\dungeons\mz\mz01_g.dds for model dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif.
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\dlc05\dungeons\mz\mzgratelighting01.dds for model dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif.
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\dlc05\dungeons\mz\mz02.dds for model dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif.
TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture textures\dlc05\dungeons\mz\mz02_n.dds for model dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif.
SHADERS: No Lighting shader missing texture textures\dlc05\dungeons\mz\MZGrateLighting01.dds.
TEXTURES: BASE dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif :DLC05MCRmWall03:1 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif : DLC05MCRmWall03:1 is missing a Normal map
TEXTURES: BASE dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif :DLC05MCRmWall03:2 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif :DLC05MCRmWall03:3 is missing a Diffuse map
TEXTURES: BASE dlc05_wall03b_fix.nif : DLC05MCRmWall03:3 is missing a Normal map


I fixed those, but the problem causing the transparency thing was the wrong flags value on the NiAlphaProperty of one of the nodes (the wall behind the forcefield). I've noticed before that when copy/pasting from one nif to another, those alpha property flags aren't always preserved - you should always check them against the original nif afterward. I thought I checked 'em all last time, but I must've missed that one :blush:


I'm not sure why my "c" version caused a GECK crash for you - I had no problem with it or the new fixed one here (that's actually the one I used for the screenshots).


New file: http://shup.com/Shup/304362/dlc05_wall03b_fix2.rar

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The Remodelling is no problem, but after trying to test everything Ingame, I never managed to successfully enter the Cell, meaning: I could play as usual, everything I want, but everytime I try to enter my Playerhouse (where I used the Models) the game crashed. After lots of deleting and replacing, I pinpointed the source of the crashes, the remodelled DLC05MZHallSm1WayExDblSm01.


In the Geck, everything is allright, but somehow it causes a fatal crash everytime my Playercharacter comes across one Ingame. I can't find out the reason for this.

I remodelled the doorframe from step one (extracting it out of the Zeta.bsa), with the same results: A crash.


Can anyone help me? I assume it's the collision-data, but I'm not entirely sure, since the other models works fine.



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