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[IDEA] ~ Alucard Vampire Lord form?


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Hi everyone ! First of all, excuse my poor English, it isn't my mother tongue :tongue:

I'm a vampire fan but the Vampire Lord transformation disapointed me. Not the transformation itself but I deplore the meshes and texture that come with the transformation seem to no be standalones (so, if you change textures or meshes, the Harkon VL form will be changed aswell :/)...


But I've recently discovered a mod called "Wrath of Nature - The Path of the Druid", made by Bluarchon, that allows player to morph into new creatures. This simple discovery made me think about a mod concept: could it be possible to create a new (probably overpowered ?) transformation ? Using custom meshes and textures or use some vanilla ones.


I know this mod uses complex scripts to set the transformations and all of the side effects (aura and stuff), so I won't go further in this way at the moment. I'd prefer to make a simple "shift-race" mod which could allow me to temporaly change my current race to another (the "High Vampire" one ?). It would inclure buffs, custom spells and, if possible, not loosing the actual stats while morphing back to human of course.

In summary:


Does anyone has ideas about this ? Or maybe some advices/tracks to follow about scripting ?



Thanks a lot and again, please excuse my English ahah


EDIT: I used the name "Alucard" in the title to help you see what kind of form it would look like (think about Alucard form the last Castlevania Lord of Shadows 2 game :p)

Edited by Ginsey
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The thing that would be really interesting to see is a brand new questline and maybe new associated locations ; maybe something connected with the Castlevania universe, you know. And an Improvement of current Vampire Lord form.. Or just an "upgrade", a higher rank of vampirisim where Castlevania's characters would fit...

The tough thing is going to obtain the materials to make this possible. I can't even imagine that kind of mod without custom meshes and textures for example.

Anyway, I feel good not being the only one who would like to see Alucard in Skyrim x)

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Wow notmyhome ! Didn't even hear about this mod, it's looks amazing !


Being frank, it looks like the kind of thing I'd like to create actually. Even if the "High Vampire" race would be permanent and override the current player's race ; in my idea :p

But thanks ! I'll try this and see if it satisfies my appetite for dark atmosphere (because the Dawnguard experience was kinda disapointing for me, even if I didn't explored the Soul Cairn entirely :)




Let's come to the main topic for two or three minutes. I'm currently watching some tutorials on YouTube to learn some useful stuff. But unfortunately I haven't found any advanced script tutorials for now ; I think I'll have to explore myself, blindfolded. Anyway, if anyone has ideas, links like notmyhome submitted or maybe resources : don't hesitate :D

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