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People are spawning in with no guns and I don't know why :/


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So I got pretty heavy into mods as a way of improving the game, like so many others. But along the way something pretty strange has happened: Some people just do not have guns, people I know should have them. It only seems to effect people who have loaded into the world after a certain point. Any new NCR patrols or anything like that seem content to brave the wasteland armed only with their combat knives. Bless their hearts. Further driving home the point though, if I start a new game, no one in Goodsprings is armed with anything more intimidating than a rolling pin.


My best guess is that a mod is playing hell on my game and causing this to happen, but I've no idea which it might be. I'll go ahead and include a picture of my load order for those with keener, more educated eyes than mine:





If the above doesn't help, would anyone be able to offer some advice that might be able to help me narrow down and sort out the problem?


Thanks in advance.

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