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Does this mod exist? Need advise as well


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I have always been bothered how long barrel or two handed weapons are holstered on the characters back. Having in cross over like in Oblivion seems so unrealistic. I have tried changing this myself but have only failures. Mainly I would like to try changing how the long barrel weapons are holstered as if they have a sling or strap and is put on the shoulder.


I don't think you need to make new animations. I've noticed how the character reaches for a weapon on the back would work as if someone taking a weapon from the shoulder to a certain extent. Though it would be cool if there was an animation that would look more correct. The only problem I have had is getting the weapon in the right position and having a working or visible sling or strap.


I haven't given up, but I was hoping someone has been successful doing this


Does a mod like this even exist or is it even possible?


The closes mod I have found is having two visible weapons on the back.

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