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How to build a Elevator?


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Hello together,


first i want to say sorry for my bad english ;)


and second i have a question.


It is possible to build a functional elevator? i know there is one in the Washington Monument, but this is a complete set (with stairs and walls) and the elevator can only go to the top or down to the basement. I search a script where you can choose on which floor the elevator stop.

I build a vault under Springvale and want that player can choose how he get to the Entrance level. He can go throug the stairwell or the elevator which i has planned. The Vault was build in levels.

First Level is the Main Entrance

Second Level is the Living Area

Third floor is the Storage Level

And the last floor is the Reactor Level

Each of this Levels are connected with the stairwell. And all of them uses the same cell.


My Idea was that in the elevator case are 4 buttons, each for one level, when i press one of them the elevator go to the level i choose. is this possible and what script must i use for that? Is there a example somewhere in the internet?

Or is there a mod where i can saw a example for a elevator?




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