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Good mods with bosses?


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Hi Nexus forums! I would like to know if anyone has any mods with ''big bad'' enemies to experience in them.


If possible, I'd prefer it it they weren't Vanilla bosses, (such as an oversized recolored daedroth) and entirely new bosses(or character shaped bosses with newer armor is fine to.)


I don't mind if I have to complete a line of quests to get to the bosses or not, as long as they have a good boss to fight. I would also prefer that the area the boss is in isn't too demanding on PC specs, as I don't like to lag for the sake of the surrounding area of the boss(In other words, I think fancy looking dungeons are nice and all, but doing too much of a good job simply kills my PC and it ruins the experience more than enhancing it.) However, I would still like to know the mods that do, in case I decide to compromise and get them anyway.



Mods I have tried:


Lost spires(this had a good boss fight at the end of nearly all the dungeons, this is a perfect example of what I'm looking for).

Midas magic

The saber companion mod(the battle with dark saber)


I've tried a few other mods with interesting bosses, but I can't really remember them at the moment.


Searching for the key words ''Boss'' only gives me the oblivion sorting tool as a result(well, nearly all of the results) and I can't really know if I'm getting a dedicated search if I try searching the forums for other keywords, so I would like some people to share their experience with mods with boss-type enemies in them. Thank you for your time, if you decide to help me with this. Also, I know that mods that have enhanced roleplaying qualities into them are very good quests, but I am not really looking for any hardcore role-playing quests(unless they have a good boss monster to defeat at the end of them), I also prefer not to use OOO, while I like the challenge of fighting boss monsters, I enjoy the the laid-back leveling system of oblivion, and having a CM never really helps my gameplay, and often causes me to lag in certain areas(although I can use them and be okay for the most part). Thanks again.

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