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Integration Stranded Light quest mod


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This mod seems quite good from the trailer but on texnexus the author disabled comments and endorsements so I don't know if there are any problems, etc. Who has tried it and likes it? Only asking because the file size is really large and has two dependency files.


Also, is this mod compatible with Drokk's vampire mod? I emailed the author asking this ages ago but no response and I don't want to download large files, spend hours/days trying the mod out only to find out these two mods aren't compatible or some other problem.

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It works fine, bg is very big about being clean with his mods. I signed up as a beta tester for Integration over a year ago when it started, I didn't have LAME, or RBP so I had to install those first and I have never regretted that. Over the entire course of testing there was only like....3, or 4 crash issues, and 4 or so compatibility issues, as well as the many misc bugs you get in beta testing. All of those have been fixed, though so no worries.


bg hasn't been doing very well lately, and ever since the forum change he's had trouble getting on the bethsoft forums. So if you PMed him there that'd explain it, and I don't think he's very active on tesnexus.


None of the Integration requirement mods(or integration itself) really touch vampirism at all, so it should be entirely safe to use alongside that vampire mod.


By the way: I am phoenix1213 from the forum topic pushkatu linked to and JC_Fenixhere.

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