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Shoot Lock Open - Alternative Lockpicking


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Not necessarily: Mythbusters showed that you really need a high powered gun in order to "shoot" out a lock. Even then there might be dangerous shrapnel as a result. Hence why shotguns are used by SWAT teams and the military to breach a door: Simpler to shoot out the area around the lock rather the lock itself.


So to me, it would be cooler to see that only shotgun rounds can be used to breach.

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Cool! That gives me an idea! Actually I had this idea before but that info helps.

What if the higher the lock pick level on the lock, the more attack power the gun needs.


A "Very Easy" lock that requires 0% Lockpick skill would only need a small .22 gun to shoot and open. And a "Hard" Lock that requires 75% Lockpicking skill would require a big powerful shotgun.

A 9mm for an "Easy" 25% level lock

So on and so forth.

Also keep in mind I am NOT a gun expert so I don't know realistic statistics.


How about another take on it.

Your gun skill would factor in it. You would need 25% Gun skill to open an "Easy" 25% Lock.


These are just some ideas to play around with. Food for thought.

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There was a shoot the lock with a laser mod for fallout 3 your energy weapons skill had to match the lock though.



EXACTLY! Just like that! Except for real bullets rather than just lasers.


This mod could make the Lockpick Skill totally obsolete but to be honest...I don't really care. I mean come on, who wants to spend precious skills on making a universal key when you could be spending it on important stuff like shooting,and medicine and every skills that helps you TO NOT DIE. ESPECIALLY ON HARDCORE MODE!

Cuz I think not dying is kind of important in the game...Obviously...EspeciallyonHardcoremode...But I digress.




Not necessarily: Mythbusters showed that you really need a high powered gun in order to "shoot" out a lock. Even then there might be dangerous shrapnel as a result. Hence why shotguns are used by SWAT teams and the military to breach a door: Simpler to shoot out the area around the lock rather the lock itself.


So to me, it would be cooler to see that only shotgun rounds can be used to breach.



Someone made a mod recently that allows you to open wooden doors via the shotgun.


Not exactly the idea I'm talking about here but it's interesting to note nonetheless.

Edited by GoldenFenrir
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