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CTD on launch Clean Install

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Alright firstly I know there are hundreds of these posts out there but no one seems to have the same problem as me. I recently reinstalled Windows 7 Professional 64bit and wanted to replay FONV so I downloaded and installed it but when I ran it FONV crashed on the legal splash screen with no error messages at all.


Before anyone says it's your mods or trace files from old installs there are none, it is not possible.


Thanks in advance.

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Start the game the first time using the steam launcher - allow it to download any patches you need, When it first launches it sets the INI file up for your hardware - As soon as you start the game make a save then exit. Now launch in your usual way - you may get an error if steam is not already running in the background until you change to offline mode.


Do NOT add any mods or NVSE until after you get it to run that first time.


If you upgraded your windows instead of a clean freshly formatted HD, it is possible that it kept some of your old registry entries.

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My directX is up to date.


The HDD is a "new" one because the old one became corupted so there are deffitanly not stray files but the problem is I cannot actually get to the main screen to start a game to set up the .ini otherwise it would be fine.

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