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With the new version there is an indentation BBCode added to the forums here.


Which will move some text, which is really useful when doing scripts and when you want to
at the same time

I know that with code(box) you can keep the old style without the need of this code.


If haveagoodday == 1
set takeanap to 1

But when I try add a link..

If [url=http://www.thenexusforums.com]haveagoodday[/url] == 1
set takeanap to 1

it doesn't work as it doesn't love links in code(boxes), which is a good thing for a number or reasons.

If haveagoodday == 1

set takeanap to 1


^ Quotes do allow links but remove the indentation if you use the same/old method at the sites.

If haveagoodday == 1

set takeanap to 1


^ Which isn't the case with the forums as the [ indent ] [/indent ] code is now added here.


Now I was wondering if those could be added to the site bbcodes? Why this question? Well, with scripts it would be nice to link the functions you're using to the wiki, this can be done here at the forums, but not at the site/at the articles :). I like the indent code in general though, it allows you to add a Tabspace for a multiple of times which could make things a bit easier to organize in file-descriptions as well.

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