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Perficio Sapien


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this is a repost in a more proper area....



I have a race mod in the works.. and I need textures for my race.. I basically need a more vien-e face and body texture. not too many vien, but like your wrists all over your body. i dont really need anything else. i guess... I'm a noob at making races.



But the facts about my race.



Perficio Sapien

Latin for:

Perfect Human



they are called this for no apparent reason, but some interesting facts about them are that every cell in their body has reinforced mitochondria, thus slowing down aging. they also have slightly acidic blood, and alkaline lined cell walls. thus, they are immune to most diseases, because when a virus, bacteria or any kind of microbe gets into their blood, it dissolves. Another interesting fact is that their eye fluid is the same way, thus they cant have eye floaters, plus their ear hairs re- grow, and they have two spinal cords. both in the spine. they have the ability to trigger adrenaline or any other hormone manually, so they have good self control. their brains are interesting too, because each side stores memories and shared control equally, as in each memory is stored twice, so they are virtually unaffected by head shots. They have incredible regenerative abilities, and have two hearts. as well as reverse asthma, when they run, their bronchi expand and dissolve mucous into the blood, giving them increased speed.


thats all i have for now.

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