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request see you fast travel mod


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i noticed the see you sleep mods but no see you fast travel mods so i had some good ideas and whould like to get some advice on how to import these ideas into the game.


1 see your character travel to any location youve been to.<auto combat if encounterd>

2 might end up going the wrong way and wount stop ontill encounterd in battle where you can take over.


3 maybe take over at anytime if the chatacter is going to throw themselfs off a high hill.


less complicated


screen starts to load and you might be anywhere. random location spawns besides the one you picked either city or dungeoun.<if encounterd by a npc hostule could be configured..no wolves or mudcraps sroppage>you might be in some crypt surrouned by nycromancers ex.


any other ideas whould be great to.

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Well there is already a mod that pretty much does what you want, but it's not very stable/complete. You can check it out here: Haz_ct3_working_horse_cart_service

It's quite fun, but you can only travel between the cities and the wheels are not animated. :sweat:

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Yeah, like I said it's fun, but needs more tweacking. If you've got the skills and want to improve it, that would be great. Let me know if you do so. :thumbsup:
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