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Torture Modifcation


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It must be just me, I do not understand how people have not already created this MOD.


What happens is if you shoot someones leg off, they will start attempting to crawl away on the ground or attempt to hop away. If you shoot someones other leg off they'll be pulling themselves along the ground with their arms alone. The same slightly goes for arms, you shoot their right arm off and they can not use a gun anymore and they just start running away. If you shoot them in the head, they die instantly because you do usually die if you get shot in the head last time I checked.


I am just thinking it be a lot of fun to make the characters you dislike squirm on the ground. People usually are still alive after they lose a leg or an arm, so that is why I think it be a lot of fun to have a mod like that.


Since it has not been created I am starting to believe that perhaps this is not the type of MOD people want? Am I the only sick minded person in this world that wants to torture people on that game? Surely not?


If you have any reasons why this MOD could not be made, or why it has not been made, then please tell me. If you agree it should be made, you should tell me some ideas that could make it even better!

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This has been requested probably hundreds of times, but no one has made it because it would be incredibly difficult, if it's possible to do at all for NPCs (creatures are a bit easier to work with).


Basically, the only way to allow an NPC to be alive with a limb dismembered is to call ResurrectActor 1 on them, which resurrects them without refreshing their body data. This allows living actors to move around with limbs removed, but is incredibly buggy. Off the top of my head:

  • Resurrecting an actor in this way at any time aside from the frame in which they died will cause them to fall through the geometry. There are ways around this, but it's an annoyance.
  • When the player enters VATS mode, all dismembered limbs on living actors will be redrawn. Limbs that are "revived" in this way cannot be removed.
  • Any gibbets will maintain their position and rotation relative to the actor that they came from, unless the actor was killed while reloading their weapon in which case they will act normally until the actor enters ragdoll mode (for example, due to PushActorAway
  • Actors will act as though no limbs have been removed
  • If the limb that the actor's weapon node was attached to is removed, their weapon will not be rendered when it is in use.

The way I see it, the only way in which something like you've suggested is even remotely feasible is if a new dismemberment system is created via scripts, much like in SkyCaptain's Deadly Reflex mod for Oblivion. Given that Fallout 3 already has a dismemberment system, I don't think it's worth rebuilding it from the ground up using only in-game scripts just to achieve something like this.



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It must be just me, I do not understand how people have not already created this MOD.


What happens is if you shoot someones leg off, they will start attempting to crawl away on the ground or attempt to hop away. If you shoot someones other leg off they'll be pulling themselves along the ground with their arms alone. The same slightly goes for arms, you shoot their right arm off and they can not use a gun anymore and they just start running away. If you shoot them in the head, they die instantly because you do usually die if you get shot in the head last time I checked.


I am just thinking it be a lot of fun to make the characters you dislike squirm on the ground. People usually are still alive after they lose a leg or an arm, so that is why I think it be a lot of fun to have a mod like that.


Since it has not been created I am starting to believe that perhaps this is not the type of MOD people want? Am I the only sick minded person in this world that wants to torture people on that game? Surely not?


If you have any reasons why this MOD could not be made, or why it has not been made, then please tell me. If you agree it should be made, you should tell me some ideas that could make it even better!


Lol, that's a little twisted but I think I would have fun with that kind of mod. :ermm: I must be twisted, too. :laugh:

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This has been requested probably hundreds of times, but no one has made it because it would be incredibly difficult, if it's possible to do at all for NPCs (creatures are a bit easier to work with).


Basically, the only way to allow an NPC to be alive with a limb dismembered is to call ResurrectActor 1 on them, which resurrects them without refreshing their body data. This allows living actors to move around with limbs removed, but is incredibly buggy. Off the top of my head:

  • Resurrecting an actor in this way at any time aside from the frame in which they died will cause them to fall through the geometry. There are ways around this, but it's an annoyance.
  • When the player enters VATS mode, all dismembered limbs on living actors will be redrawn. Limbs that are "revived" in this way cannot be removed.
  • Any gibbets will maintain their position and rotation relative to the actor that they came from, unless the actor was killed while reloading their weapon in which case they will act normally until the actor enters ragdoll mode (for example, due to PushActorAway
  • Actors will act as though no limbs have been removed
  • If the limb that the actor's weapon node was attached to is removed, their weapon will not be rendered when it is in use.

The way I see it, the only way in which something like you've suggested is even remotely feasible is if a new dismemberment system is created via scripts, much like in SkyCaptain's Deadly Reflex mod for Oblivion. Given that Fallout 3 already has a dismemberment system, I don't think it's worth rebuilding it from the ground up using only in-game scripts just to achieve something like this.




Yeah I can completely understand where you are coming from, I had a feeling it be something like that. Just thinking about it would be difficult to create a MOD like it. Thanks for telling me, or I would be hoping for nothing for a long time! ^_^

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