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Long War for Mac OS/X - pointers / advice?


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Why are you running install script from inside a game folder? You should unpack the distro to some other place, like your home dir, and run the install script from there.


As for the line 230, it hasn't changed, so I don't know what's causing this error. BTW, I almost forgot it. If Anderkent hasn't changed this functionality, you should be able to specify your home dir and install dir as two parameters using command line:

./install-LW-OSX.sh /path/to/XEW/userfiles /path/to/XEW/install/dir
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I have OSX 10.10.2

I downloaded LW beta 15b

I installed XCom from App Store, so no Steam was installed.

I opened the scrip to see which locations it is using.

I cannot see the structure it is looking for, there is no ~.Library/Application Support/Steam

Not in my user library and not in the general library under root.


So I am not sure if and how I can install.


I actually bought it just for LW.

Is there any salvation?



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LW is intended for use with Steam version, so, again, I'm not sure if it works with AppStore version at all.


Try reading this topic from the start, there are notes on specific files and where to find those. You could try locating the corresponding files manually on your system and replacing them with LW files.

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So here are the locations I changed :

#USERFILES=~/Library/Application\ Support/Feral\ Interactive/XCOM\ Enemy\ Unknown/XEW

USERFILES=/Users/USER_NAME/Library/Containers/com.feralinteractive.xcomenemyunknown/Data/Library/Application\ Support/Feral Interactive/XCOM\ Enemy\ Unknown\ -\ Elite\ Edition/Data/XEW

#INSTALLDIR=~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/XCom-Enemy-Unknown


MOD_DATA_DIR="`dirname "$0"`/install-files"


#FERAL_OVERRIDES="xcomgame/localization/int/xcomgame.int xcomgame/localization/int/xcomuishell.int"

FERAL_OVERRIDES="XComGame/Localization/INT/XComGame.INT XComGame/Localization/INT/XComUIShell.INT"

#FERAL_OVERRIDE_DIR=XCOM\ Enemy\ Unknown.app/Contents/Resources/MacOverrides/XEW

FERAL_OVERRIDE_DIR=XCOM\ Enemy\ Unknown\ -\ Elite\ Edition.app/Contents/Resources/MacOverrides/XEW

I cannot find the equivalent of INSTALLDIR and INSTALL_DATA_DIR

Don't know what it contains so I have no idea what to look for. I have no steam since I downloaded from AppStore (I wish it would have been written somewhere in bold letter DON'T BUY FROM APPSTORE).

Anyone has an idea ? Something to point me in the right direction ?

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You appear to be mixing forward ("/") and backward ("\") slashes in your paths. Last I knew, they should all be the same character; and for Linux/OSX that would be forward ("/"). Spaces are also significant, so don't put in any that are not actually present. Also, in that environment, case (i.e. "XCOM" versus "XCom") is also significant. Don't arbitrarily change it. The same applies to quotes (") and back-ticks (`).


Lines that begin with "#" are "commented out" and should be treated as examples or as a way to preserve the original content. Then insert your "corrected" version of the line immediately after and you can easily check for consistency.


"USER_NAME" is a placeholder that should be replaced with the user account name on your system that was used to install the game.


INSTALLDIR would be the XCOM root install folder, the root of all the XCOM files. Also called the "Steam Install" folder or the equivalent. Once you find that folder the rest should fall into place.

INSTALL_DATA_DIR would be the folder where the game in question (i.e. "XEW" for EW & LW) resides.


Is there an "installation log" from the AppStore? That should contain entries showing the folders where it installed the game. You might check with the AppStore knowledge base or support forums for that information also.


What we have on "known locations for various Mac versions" can be found "here". If you let us know what you discover for your installation, we will update that data for others.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Dubiousintent, "\ " is a space symbol, guarded with the escape character. Looks perfectly normal under Linux/Mac, but I recommend just enclosing the whole path into "" instead.


Tomarsh, USERFILES is basically the folder where your game keep its saves and INSTALLDIR is the main directory where all the game files are located. Search for some internal folder like "XComGame" or "CookedPCConsole", which should be named identically under all systems, and then use the path to the root game directory as INSTALLDIR path.

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