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"Glowing" Character Shadows


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This is a problem that I've had since maybe a few months back, and it's really starting to bother me. Whenever my PC, or an NPC stands in a shaded area, this thing happens.

I've deduced that it is, most likely (note, most likely), unrelated to mods (except the neck seam which really only is visible when this bug occurs). The only real answer I've found is that the bug is related to an ENB corrupting save files, which in my case was not the problem (I checked).

So I'm wondering if anyone here might know what's going on?




Adding more info about my visual mods:


ENB: Gameplay Performance ENB

(problem persists when disabling it ENB)


Other mods that affect lighting:


Enhanced lights and FX


The only change I've done in my SkyrimPrefs.ini is to change bFloatingPointRenderTarget from 0 to 1.


That's all, really. Hope it provides some information! :ermm:

Edited by MissLavalamp
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It might not be corrupting anything, but it could certainly affect how shadows react to light. For other people that might come into the thread and help, a little more info is needed though. Things like your ENB, if you've edited anything else in your ini files, lighting mods that you're using with your ENB, if it does it when the ENB is disabled, etc. Things like that will help others see what's going on as well as get a better idea on how to troubleshoot the issue. :smile:

Edited by pheo3309
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It might not be corrupting anything, but it could certainly affect how shadows react to light. For other people that might come into the thread and help, a little more info is needed though. Things like your ENB, if you've edited anything else in your ini files, lighting mods that you're using with your ENB, if it does it when the ENB is disabled, etc. Things like that will help others see what's going on as well as get a better idea on how to troubleshoot the issue. :smile:

Will do! I'm a bit new to this thing, so thank you for the advice! :smile:

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