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Fallout 3 Project Brazil Photoshoot


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^ Link to my mod.


REQUEST: It's simple. Download, install, and run around inside the Vault taking pictures, or shooting video. Pictures are priceless right now, especially of the botanical gardens! Video would be good just to get an idea of how things look to the player, versus my biased designer mind.


I cant remember where I left off... I know I had just finished the desert area of the Gardens, and navmeshed it when the drive went down. That place was beautiful. I had also finished the forest/jungle (it was very relaxing to listen to the water fall, and bask in the light between the night and day areas,) and begun setting up NPC pathways in the main shaft... I was just figuring out how to tell them when to eat at the diner, go to work, and go back to the apartments... oh, I miss those little problems.




I need a few people to download Project Brazil and run around giving me a view of my work for me! I haven't had a chance to work on this since January due to multiple hard disk failures, and the loss of my Tablet PC. I lost a TON of hard work. 5 years of writing, photos, old movies... Stuff one just cant get back.


However! I backed up Project Brazil here on the Nexus, just two weeks before my system crashed and took everything to hell. I wasn't exactly working very hard after the new year, I was pretty occupied with life... and kindof drunk. Anyway, now that I care about life again, I'm dying to see it and go back to my hobby! This project was my Zen! It was very stress relieving.


I still have voice actors on call for when I get things up and running. I told them 6 months to 9 months... 2 months ago. I have open invite to great sound equipment as well. I hope, after a quick re-write, to get back on track in that area. I'll have a new hard drive in late April. This ins't such a bad schedule, right?


I cant actually play the game, nor work on it. I have to rewrite the script - everything. Though, if you can bring me fresh, HD images, I'd get my eyes back and have fresh inspiration! I may even write you a character into the plot, or name something after you. I'd love to see widescreen shots with full graphics, if at all possible, but mostly just shots of glitches, and whatever catches your eye as fun to look at.


This is the most plausible request on this forum. It's easy to make this dream come true.


Any takers?

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Looks like I did get a response from tcunni89, because 'e's a badass.




^ Link to my mod.


REQUEST: It's simple. Download, install, and run around inside the Vault taking pictures, or shooting video. Pictures are priceless right now, especially of the botanical gardens! Video would be good just to get an idea of how things look to the player, versus my biased designer mind.


I cant remember where I left off... I know I had just finished the desert area of the Gardens, and navmeshed it when the drive went down. That place was beautiful. I had also finished the forest/jungle (it was very relaxing to listen to the water fall, and bask in the light between the night and day areas,) and begun setting up NPC pathways in the main shaft... I was just figuring out how to tell them when to eat at the diner, go to work, and go back to the apartments... oh, I miss those little problems.




I need a few people to download Project Brazil and run around giving me a view of my work for me! I haven't had a chance to work on this since January due to multiple hard disk failures, and the loss of my Tablet PC. I lost a TON of hard work. 5 years of writing, photos, old movies... Stuff one just cant get back.


However! I backed up Project Brazil here on the Nexus, just two weeks before my system crashed and took everything to hell. I wasn't exactly working very hard after the new year, I was pretty occupied with life... and kindof drunk. Anyway, now that I care about life again, I'm dying to see it and go back to my hobby! This project was my Zen! It was very stress relieving.


I still have voice actors on call for when I get things up and running. I told them 6 months to 9 months... 2 months ago. I have open invite to great sound equipment as well. I hope, after a quick re-write, to get back on track in that area. I'll have a new hard drive in late April. This ins't such a bad schedule, right?


I cant actually play the game, nor work on it. I have to rewrite the script - everything. Though, if you can bring me fresh, HD images, I'd get my eyes back and have fresh inspiration! I may even write you a character into the plot, or name something after you. I'd love to see widescreen shots with full graphics, if at all possible, but mostly just shots of glitches, and whatever catches your eye as fun to look at.


This is the most plausible request on this forum. It's easy to make this dream come true.


Any takers?

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