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Braith wants me to adopt her? what!?


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i was in whiterun and i talked to braith and she said she was sad i asked why she says her parents died and then theres a dialog that i can tell her i can adopt her? what the hell? when did her parents die? i wanted to see what the hack happened to them so i broke in braith house and saw her parents there and alive? so what the hack do i do there alive why is she telling me they died what bug is this and how do i fix it?

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the game is using separate system to check for the "orphanable/adoptable" status for children... so it could happen, that even if her parents are alive, she still could be (due to bug) adopted or transferred to orphanage... I could explain how exactly this system works and even add few ways how to fix it only by using some console commands, but only if you'll be interested, it's quite complicated.. ;))

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the game is using separate system to check for the "orphanable/adoptable" status for children... so it could happen, that even if her parents are alive, she still could be (due to bug) adopted or transferred to orphanage... I could explain how exactly this system works and even add few ways how to fix it only by using some console commands, but only if you'll be interested, it's quite complicated.. :wink:)

sure any help from you will be appreciated :)

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but quick fix, that will simlpy block the adoption dialogue is to open console, click on her and type:


setfactionrank 05004290 -1

Edited by cubedj21
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  • 2 months later...

I found the start of the problem. When Vampires Attack. The mod forces everyone indoors if they were outside, and forces everyone into a city if they were outside a city's walls. Fine and dandy. The last vampire attack seems to have assumed (written in the script) that Braith's parents were killed. I did see both of them running around at night during the attack, and examining the dead vampire thralls after the battle (saying, "Oh! What happened?" etc.)


So, what I have planned (in keeping the timeline correct and all) is to take both of Braith's parents with me on a deadly expedition somewhere.

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