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Braith wants me to adopt her? what!?


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Awesome, thanks. I'll try it out and see if it works. I know for a fact that their parents are still alive and I'm damn certain I've never needed to resurrect Saffir. :D


Let you know how it goes! :smile:


Her parents can be still alive, but the linked references of responsible NPCs could be for some reason (civil war, vampire attacks etc.) broken or missing... so rather check them anyway...


Let me know if you'll be able to fix that by yourself (edit those scripts and make that "unorphan" spell) or if I rather should prepare these fixes as a mod... :wink:)


Right so, I know this is old, but Im having the exact same issue, and I have no idea how to make the unorphan spell xD

I tried but, I think that I might either need help with how to do it, or I was wondering if you could possibly make that mod, even though this is 4 months late xD

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I just started a different thread on this because the search function didn't show this thread. Something else is going on besides Braith. All the kids without names in the orphanage are gone, even if there are no extra kids besides the four named adoptable kids. Then later Braith & sometimes Minette will show up at the orphanage, & Lars won't leave his house. All their parents are still alive. I've never had this issue, but have DL'd quite a few new mods before starting a new playthrough. I've tried starting from a new game about 5 times or so, same problem.

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I'm not entirely sure that poor old Ben is to blame for all your troubles. For a start, this post was started in August, I didn't release Ben V2 until that September. Prior to that, only version 1 was available, and that version used nothing script wise but the generic follower system.


Since V2, the only reference to Braith (please look in Tes5edit) is a GetDistance dialogue function. This is used to launch an idle comment if she is close by.


Feel free to convince me otherwise and I will yield. But for now, as far as I can see, Ben is not the cause of this issue.

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I'm not sure that it is specifically your mod that is causing it. For all I know there is something wrong with Braith by default that is causing some mods to mess her up in ways that don't make any sense. As you can see from this thread, others were having similar issues long before your mod came out. All I can tell you is that after loading around twenty or so house & follower mods recently, I noticed the problem with Braith & uninstalled them one at a time & checked Braith each time with a new game save, & narrowed it down to that mod. After that I reinstalled the mod to try to reproduce the bug, & it worked. And, after uninstalling again, it went away.


It could very well be that this mod is only playing a small part, but figuring that out is beyond my skills. Again, I am only pointing it out so you are aware of it, because Ben is pretty awesome, & we need more mods like him in Skyrim.

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