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Veronica's quest bug


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I've got a problem .I just got Veronica's Quest (I Can make you care) after the final trigger with Julia Farkas in the Mormon fort. Vveronica asked if we return her back to the hidden valley bunker and I fast traveled there. I made sure that we chose the right bunker of the four (and yes, I used the map marker to be sure its the right one) but upon entering veronica didn't move for the intercom to order food like she's suppose to.Instead she doesn't do anything. I've tried to "push" her towards the intercom, but no good


Anyone help?


BTW according to FNVEdit I have no mods affecting veronica.

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The simplest way to get around it would be to simply tell Veronica to bugger off for a while and break into the bunker. Then do the quest with the ranger. Then get Veronica and carry on. Alternatively try this:

set "E32A9".bIntercomConversationActive to 1;
"E27FC".SetTalkingActivatorActor E2807
"E32A9".SayTo player 15B6CE;	

I did not test it though, since I do not have a save anywhere near that moment. I am assuming that you did not do the ranger quest before.

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