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Compiled list of weapons


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I was wondering if anyone had ever made a compiled weapon list like people do with armor, animations, ect. If anyone has can someone give a link :smile:


Weapon mods or just the vanilla weapons? If you have CS you can load all of the weapons on there. I'm not sure if you know how to use it or not. Click on data, check the Oblivion box and wait for it to load and then in the Object view window-look under weapons. But that list is tricky so you may have to click on a lot of other folders besides just the "weapons" Look under the magic area for enchanted swords and then there are sword related to quests and regions so you'd have to go under there. I guess the easiest list would be to look up Oblivion cheat list in your search engine and look under the weapons cheats , they should have them all listed.


If you're looking for modded weapons, go to the TesNexus link above and click from the right hand side list "catagory files" and under that there is a Weapons section. All the modded weapons would be under there.



...BamSpeedy just gave me a list of where to find the oblivion cheats on another thread, here it is...











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Yeah I knew about the categories and so on, but I was wondering if anyone had made a mod list that had weapons that had been posted on different websites and not on Tesnexus.
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