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Formid finder in inventory


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Hello, this is my first post on the forums here, so tell me if I'm doing something wrong.


Lately I've done a lots of quests that gives me undroppable and unequipable items. In most circumstances those items are taken away at the end of quests, but since I finished the cheydinal mages guild quest Falcar's black soul gems became undroppable and Deetsan couldn't even see that I had the soul gems in my inventory, and it ended with me having to use the setstage commando just to continue. But that meant that I were still having the soul gems in my inventory. I tried to remove it with both the removeitem and setquestobject commando on the object id 3C7FC (Falcar's black Soul Gem). It didn't work, I think it is possibly because the version I am using must have another FormID then the one in the original game, since I am currently using the latest version of the game and at the same time the unofficial patch. So here comes the big question:


Is there a way to see the formID of the items in the inventory?

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I was going to post a link, but now the Nexus isn't loading.


When it's back up, search for Andrew's No Quest Items. This just goes through and unchecks Quest Item on every item that has it checked in the CS.


Now you can drop anything you want and use Form ID Finder like normal.

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