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Reznod's mannequins: 256 in all


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I'm just curious if anybody knows if a good reason Reznod added only 256 mannequins to the holding cell he used for his mannequins mod. Since I'm working on my own version of this, I don't want to discover midway that there was a very good reason he stopped at that number (64 of 4 different types, male and female wooden and marble). In advance, thanks.
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So if your working on a mannequin mod huh? This was a request I had, If its even possible.


"I like to use "Reznod Mannequin Mod" or the alterations of it. I use it to display all the different armor and cloths I have. But I was wondering if a race screen can be added to the mannequin's pop up screen. It would be the same screen you use to select and modify your race, gender, hair style, etc. when picking your player, except the effect would be on the mannequin. So in part the more race Mods you have the more different mannequins you can have.


Also it would be nice to poses a mannequin with Pose Mods Like "CT add pose Mod". Because, be honest, a pose is only good for a Screen shot a that's it. If you could use a pose spell on a mannequin, it would be more worth wild. "

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No offense meant, but I'm not taking any requests--and at the moment, I'm stalled for even doing the simple expansion I'd planned. Basically, if I can get this going, it will be some or all of the races, and that's it.


But my skills are meager, and this is one of those questions I need answered. Since I'd feel pretty silly if I added a bunch of mannequins, only to discover that the holding cell wouldn't allow that many.


Thank you for your interest, however. Hopefully, if this mod gets done, you'll be pleased with the results. And hey, if you're not, you can always do what I'm doing--learn as you go along, and do it yourself. :thumbsup:

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No offense meant, but I'm not taking any requests--and at the moment, I'm stalled for even doing the simple expansion I'd planned. Basically, if I can get this going, it will be some or all of the races, and that's it.


But my skills are meager, and this is one of those questions I need answered. Since I'd feel pretty silly if I added a bunch of mannequins, only to discover that the holding cell wouldn't allow that many.


Thank you for your interest, however. Hopefully, if this mod gets done, you'll be pleased with the results. And hey, if you're not, you can always do what I'm doing--learn as you go along, and do it yourself. :thumbsup:

Thats what Im doing now, I cant even figure out how to add clothing from other mods onto NPC's. If I save it, the added cloths just goes away. :wacko:

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My guess is the number 256 is the max number of objects allowed in a container before things start to disappear. You might try using multiple containers - say one for each race.


@Big Poppa Fluff. If you are having that problem in game, Try taking away their other clothing. It may take a few minutes , or leaving the cell where they are and returning for them to actually wear what you give them. NPCs will usually choose their default clothing over any custom clothing. But will usually wear the best vanilla armor in their inventory.

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My guess is the number 256 is the max number of objects allowed in a container before things start to disappear. You might try using multiple containers - say one for each race.


Your guess is bound to be better than mine, here. I'll take it as a good basis for working, until proven otherwise.

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