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Idiots Guide to Restructuring Mods for Bain


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This is my first post so apoloIgies if I have posted in wrong area of forum.


Firstly really great site. Previosly played Oblivion on Xbox-loved it so much bought a laptop so I could enjoy mods! Currently trying to get the game to run with mods on Win 7-so far no major probs running with admin. privs.


I'm a newbie at modding- slowly figuring out Wyre Bash-can do the very basics and Bash Patch and have got a number of mods to work OK using BOSS to sort load order etc. but I'm not too clear on how to restructure complex packages (the archived mods in Data folder that show as grey boxes) to install using Bain. The instructions on CS Wiki seem a bit difficult to follow as do instructions by Wyre and there seems very little else out there.


Could someone please be kind enough to link me to an Idiots Guide to restructuring or provide simple, easy to understand instructions. I really don't want to randomly unzip packages into Data folder as uninstalls would be a nightmare. I'm not expecting "a how" to for something complex like Better Cities rather something a bit less taxing like Saiden's Akatosh Mount just so I can understand the basic concept and can work from there.


I am considering installing OBSE but have read it can cause game to crash using Vista/Win 7. Do others have this experience? Also can I play OBSE and non OBSE mods together?


Many Thanks



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