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Splinter Cell Agent Archer


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well this topic doesn't seem to be hit enough. Good news is that thanks to this and the lack of splinter cell fans on Fallout 3 (tons of MGS fans though, wtf is with that) i've actually picked up some basic 3d modelling software and god willing and patience we might have something in the next... god only knows.
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An online correspondance (who's alot better at this than me) has given permission for use of his model in the mod. You can thank Claude Paret for this particular image. http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs509.snc3/26740_110302998997816_100000543504414_154576_7490231_n.jpg
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I just had a thought as I was about to go to sleep, the SC Tac suit could be made easily by simply stripping down the chinese stealth suit a bit and adding pistol mag pouches and a few others around the belt, maybe some cargo urban camo pants. Just a thought if some one wants to put their own bit, who knows, maybe this project will take off and all our names can be on it. hell Solid Snake's Octocamo attire (solid eye included) managed to find its way on nexus.
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