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Splinter Cell Agent Archer


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Alex if you did work on this man i'd die happy... Your level of quality from what I've seen (and downloaded) is utterly amazing. What do you want refs on, I'll go hunting. Or I can just load up this rotating 3d model quicktime vid I pulled from the main website...
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If we're going to talk about the different models of these goggles, I wouldn't mind seeing one that Agent Archer is having (the front picture).


And while looking around for some more images about those goggles, I found This image.


Best of luck to anyone and everyone who will pick this project up! :thumbsup:

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I think it's a great idea, I love splinter cell. That's why I'm waiting for some cool sneak mods that actually follow real stealth, kinda like splinter cell does. Although none have come out for the stealth yet, a few have made it a bit harder ^^ Love to see this mod made. Good idea, and good luck! (let me know when it comes out) :)
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