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Fallout 1, 2 and tactics mods


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I do not know of any Fallout 1, 2, or tactic mods. Even if there were any way back then, they would probably be almost extinct by now. Those games are great, do not get me wrong, but very old, so the modifications probably do not exist anymore.


Also, I could be mistaken, but this is Fallout 3 Modification discussion, not Fallout 1, 2 and tactics?


^_^ Good luck though!

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I do not know of any Fallout 1, 2, or tactic mods. Even if there were any way back then, they would probably be almost extinct by now. Those games are great, do not get me wrong, but very old, so the modifications probably do not exist anymore.


If you don't know what you talking, why even posting? You obviously don't have any clue about the classic games, so what's the point posting false information?


There are plenty of great mods for F1+2 and many are in production. Also F1+2 are better games even these days then F3 ever will be, but that's quite hard to understand from the Fallout3-Fanbase...


Most popular choice for Fallout is http://www.nma-fallout.com/ and http://www.duckandcover.cx/ also a good source is http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki


Best german fallout page is http://www.falloutnow.de


There are a few complete overhaul mods for f2, a few total conversions and some extensions and small mods.

Most polular choice is maybe the fallout restauration project.


browse around a bit and you will find a lot of mods.





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