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MidWestern Power Armor


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Well I have photoshop cs1 maybe you have a version that's too new.


I could give it a try if you want but it won't look as good as if you got your plugins working and did it.



Oh and I forgot to add, EPIC!


well, technicaly all it would require is to open up the Targa (how I save my textures) and then saveing the file as a DDS (how Fallout reads textures)


but I have them sent to Q, so it won't be an issue



I do have CS4, but it has been out long enough that it shouldn't be an issue... I never get an error message or anything, I install the plugin and then I go to save as a DDS and nothing has changed... so I don't have the option to save as a DDS file...


If only every game engine was as simple to import assets as Unity I could have had this thing done in 5 minutes.

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Tony, I built an esp for you that I will send you. In game the helmet is rotated 90 degrees on the y axis and I can't remember how to fix that. I will revisit when I sober up :D


I can fix that in Nifskope no problem


what direction is the face of the helmet looking in relation to the character?

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