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Playsound low volume


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I have a few sound files of my voice modified to be demonic, some are whispering but the file themselves are not really all that quiet, however, in game when I use Playsound script they are sooo silent. I can't hear them past any footsteps or ambient noises, and I need to turn everything down almost all the way to hear it, and even then I can barely make out the words. Any suggestions? Even if it means using a program to manually increase volume of the sound files themselves (please be freeware)??
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EDIT: Nevermind this entire post here, I found a solution to both problems. I deleted the second post to save you the time reading it. I found the solution right after. The problem was I was logged into vent, and it didn't work right when in vent. Also, the program I used to record, Windows Sound Recorder, has an option to increase volume. I did that.


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