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Punishable Good intentions


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It is told, both in myth and fable of a time when inhuman creatures roamed the realms. How so then that they so easily disappeared? The answer to this question is more simple and more confusing than you think…. They didn’t.


F200C3, The humans drove us out of their minds, being more preoccupied with more trivial things than that of our kind, the only ones they deemed to remember were the more persistent of our brothers, the Termechtikai, or Demons, as they affectionately called them. The rest of us decided to blend in with the crowds and live with the humans. This was all good and well for those that actually could, but soon there was born a race that was destined for a higher purpose, the Angletikai, the half breeds, those that were born both of angelic and demonic blood. We could not so easily hide ourselves amongst the humans as it was near impossible to look like them because of our features. Our eyes being the most tell tail of these, their shockingly bright colors unnerving to look at. It took us years to adapt and find our purpose, our calling. We took to the streets and became the self proclaimed protectors of the quickly changing land. We threw out demons and slew any threats to both our kind and the humans who needed the most protection.


We soon started a guild of sorts, where I, Ilu, being the oldest of the group became the guild master. We soon allowed even humans into our ranks as well as other beings, training them all in the art. As years past, we found that the work changed them to be more like us, their eyes changed as well as their blood, how we do not know. Their lives extended and their abilities strengthened, and soon there was little difference between the humans that joined and the Angletikai. As soon we seemed to have overcome the enemy completely is as soon as the troubles started. We kept hearing reports that most foul beings started to appear, the humans called them Archdemons. We soon found out that what we had been doing is killing off the many lesser demons that had been keeping their kind at bay. Now we find ourselves with an even greater challenge than before, we must rely on the strength of our guild and of our warriors to see us through this most difficult of times.



1. No god moding

2. No controlling another persons character without their consent

3. No killing another persons character without their consent

4. No more than three characters per person.

5. ALL character sheets have to be approved before the characters can post in the topic.

6. ALL character sheets MUST be PMed to me. character sheets that are posted here will not be accepted.

7. Accepted character sheets will be posted by me below, and a PM will be sent saying that they have been accepted or not.

8. i am allowed to change these rules as i see fit.

9. if you have any questions please PM me.

10. have fun!



Lesser abilities:

All guild members have the following abilities/strengths


Increased strength

Increased stamina

Increased speed

Banish lesser being

Hide aura: hides the aura of the user making them undetectable from being sensed.

Astral summons: an animal specific to the user, that when summoned can be used for a multitude of different tasks. <eg, large creatures can be used as a mount.>

Sight: this is different from any normal sight, this allows the user to ‘see’ anothers true intentions and if they mean ill.



Character sheets:


User Name:








Main Skills:

Greater abilities<three max>:

Astral summon<the animal that your character summons from the astral plane>:




<PS: for those who are wondering, this RP takes place in ancient times>

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User name: MoDqUeen

Name: Ilumina, just Ilu to most.

Age: over 500 years… lets leave it at that

Race: Angletikai

Sex: female

Personality: Calm, collected but vicious if provoked, Ilu is not one to be trifled with, but she has a soft spot for her guild members.


Weapons: A silver bow, however she carries no arrows with her, instead she uses an incantation to summon flaming blue arrows that can pierce almost anything

Main Skills: Ilu is quite skilled in the art of Marksmanship and tactical planning but her strongest point is in defensive magic.

Greater abilities:



Ilu is able to charm the creature for a short while, sometimes to the point of making it turn on its allies.



If charm fails, Ilu can use her influence ability to force a creature to do her bidding. However this does not work on Archdemons and she can only control the creature as long as her concentration is kept.


Astral summon: White eagle

Bio: Ilumina was born at the peak of the struggle between the fast changing world and the plight of her people. Back then it was completely unacceptable to bear a child of her blood and so she had a tough struggle to prove herself. When she turned fifty, because of the rise in population of her kind Ilu found place amongst them. Many years later she was part of the first attempt to drive the demons out, the operation was a success, however they lost their current leader and soon favored another. As the years passed as did the leaders of the small group it was eventually Ilu’s turn, only then did they find out that she did not die so easily. After she was chosen as the head of the guild the rest, as they say, is history.




User name: MoDqUeen

Name: Azrael

Age: nearing 200

Race: Angletikai

Sex: male

Personality: Not much of a socialite, Azrael is more the strike first ask questions later kind. This at times leads to a difficulty between him and Ilu as it is apparently inappropriate

Appearance: http://i65.servimg.com/u/f65/13/65/50/95/d20d5e10.jpg

Weapons: scythe <see in pick>

Main Skills: Azrael specializes mostly in weapons but is not too bad in the way of destruction magic. He is also most useful in an aerial assault because of his nimbleness in flight.


Greater abilities<three max>:


Azure’s curse:

Azrael is able to replicate himself a total of three times, with the sacrifice of divided strength.


Blind and bind:

Azrael is able to affect a small area with the curse of blinding his targets as well as temporarily binding them so they cannot move. As a result of this Azrael is not able to move as the spell also affects himself.



This allows Azure to morph into his astral summon. If the creature is summoned already, it will disappear as soon as Azure changes form.

Astral summon: http://i65.servimg.com/u/f65/13/65/50/95/anime_10.jpg

Bio: Little is actually known of Azrael except that he was born into the guild.

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