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Who Did You Kill To Get Into The Dark Brotherhood?


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well for my first chars i cant really remember atleast a year ago i think but most likely some randoms tehn after finishing oblivion and not bothering with SI i uninstalled oblivion and lost my saves some where along the line :wallbash:

and tehn during my school holidays (last wekk now :verymad: ) i got bored and installed it again plus a few mods (MMM deadly reflex natural faces Quest item leveler and some other less important ones)

and first i amde a argonian names argonian :thumbsup: which was made for the sheer purpose of joinng DB so i was walking around the IC and found a man called Amantius Allectus who said that he was seeing shadows in his house and such and then mentioned that it was all in his imagination so i disided i would make it real i stalked him for a few (game) hours and tried to find his house i got impatient (bad value for an assassin :confused: ) and found myself and him in teh arboretem and hide behind a bush shot him with a poisened arrow in teh back (deadly reflexes :thumbsup: ) tehn he fell to his nees spewing blood everywere and died i was happy went to his body dragged into a corner (later i found out that as part or teh needs of teh join teh thieves guild quest he musent be killed luckly it glitched and the murder didnt count maybe because i killed him before i picked the quest up?) then i weent and slept in my new shack and there you go ......

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Some silly orc adventurer in some silly bandit-infested ayleid ruins. Mistaken him for a bandit and sneak-attacked with a bow. Both got guilty conscience and secured my loot. And a pass to the Brotherhood, of course.
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  • 5 months later...

I got two of them thanks to the mod adding another city :D I might give it a try one day ^^


To answer the question asked

1st time : A guard during the atack of Kvatch, for odd reason I didn't get any fine for it... :blink:

2nd : The rogue mage before she starts attacking me

3rd : the gang female

4th a random orc in a random ayleid ruin :P

5th a guard (I could afford to pay the fine ^^)

6th gray prince

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I think I got my invitation when I was playing around with my spells and a guard just jumped in between, flew over a 1000ft upwards(hit the legs with an AoE shock spell, bugged somehow.[using shock spells with 500% increased speed.]) and I quite enjoyed the scene. The scene two wasn't as beautiful, corpses, lots of corpses.


One of my weirdest ever invitations was when I just shot an arrow to the air, few seconds later a dead npc falls from the sky. I've experienced quite a few fun bugs during the time I've played.

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